I remember so vividly. I had a consultant in working on a project and we were sitting in my office when our secretary said "a plane hit the World Trade Center". We immediately blew it off thinking a traffic helicopter or small plane. About what, 20 minutes later, she blurted out "another plane hit the other tower". I immediately yelled out...."TERRORISTS! IT HAS TO BE INTENTIONAL". Again no knowledge of it being commercial airliners or what was going on.
Again, I had a consultant. As we were now completely distracted from the work at hand, I saw my Manager run down the hall looking for a TV. And then carrying a TV into the conference room (remember this was 2001, since this date TVs are much more commonplace at work). And I told the consultant "oh shit, something really bad is going down and we go down to the conference room with like 20 some other people". Only then we started to get a real idea on what was going on and the magnitude.
I will never forget when the first tower started to collapse, we were all in the conference room and all I can think of was how many people were dying. I remember my one co worker who was at his desk wanting to work with the consultant and I said dude, "me and Jess (the consutant) are going out to lunch at some bar, this could be WWIII, this is our Pearl Harbor, forget about what we had to get done today". He was nervous, "I said, "we are drinking, watching this, we may not be here tomorrow". And we left.
I cannot believe he did not grasp nor want to grasp reality and was more worried about accomplishing the tasks of the day. I also can just remember going home that night and all I can think of was those towers falling, and at the time, no one knew, I was thinking 20,000 people died right there.
And yes, like all of us, I wanted us to nuke the Mid East. Right then and there.