93.7 the fan

Cap pitt

Jul 20, 2014
Is it just me or when listening to the fan, talking about Pitt or the steelers, penguins or pirates. The commercial breaks are 2 or 3 times longer then the segments, one time I called in to dispute something that either Starkey or Mueller said, I called in and they went to a commercial break that lasted 10 to 12 minutes they came back on and took a call and after that call they went to another commercial break that lasted at least 10 minutes needless to say I hung up because I had an appointment. And not only that, did you ever have them on and they talk about anything but sports? And it's mostly stupid stuff. I am not a fan of the fan
Can only listen to Paul Zeise for any extended time. For the most part I usually agree with the things that Cook says, but I can't listen long to him because I just can't get over his worship of Paterno, or should I say "the great Paterno."
Starkey and Mueller just seem to be silly - can't listen to them for more than a few minutes.

Besides Zeise, I actually enjoy listening to Tab Douglas...

But I will say that these guys have a tough job - I mean they have to rehash the same information over and over all day long. Can't expect it to be exactly riveting...

Go Pitt.
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Is it just me or when listening to the fan, talking about Pitt or the steelers, penguins or pirates. The commercial breaks are 2 or 3 times longer then the segments, one time I called in to dispute something that either Starkey or Mueller said, I called in and they went to a commercial break that lasted 10 to 12 minutes they came back on and took a call and after that call they went to another commercial break that lasted at least 10 minutes needless to say I hung up because I had an appointment. And not only that, did you ever have them on and they talk about anything but sports? And it's mostly stupid stuff. I am not a fan of the fan
I live 600 miles away and decided to listen a few weeks ago. I think it was around 12:35 PM. It seemed like I got 20 minutes of commercials with 2 or 3 interruptions of 20 second news one-liners which seemed prerecorded. When I finally got "sports talk", it was terrible.

Never tried to tune-in again!
Something that is likely important to a station like that is turnover. You have to bring in new voices, new viewpoints, and new controversial personalities at times to get people to tune back in.

The morning show has become an utter joke. Dunlap does okay but the Miller and Colony thing is a mystery to me. Miller is a former NFL PUNTER, Colony is a lifelong Pittsburgh media worker bee. The gags are worn out. It's nothing but Dunlap trying to find a pressure point that Yinzers will react to, getting them to do so, and talking about how odd Colony is. Sorry I don't want to waste my morning drive listening to how socially awkward a late 50's white man is and debating Antonio Brown's dancing.

Never listen to Cook and Poni. Cook clearly hates his on-air partner (with good reason) and Poni isn't even worth wasting the time to hate. Starkey and Mueller has just become Snarky and Duller. "Thanks Muellsy...I'm another socially awkward 60 year old white male from Buffalo" is basically their entire show wrapped around a 12 year old who's trying to BE Dunlap.

In short I listen to some of the postgame shows now when driving home, but I'd just really like to hear some different voices. At least with Zeise and Douglas you can see them trying to have a conversation, rather than adopting a viewpoint and trying to see how much friction they can create.

I get that all I don't like about the station is what drives their ratings. I simply choose not to add to them.
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Something that is likely important to a station like that is turnover. You have to bring in new voices, new viewpoints, and new controversial personalities at times to get people to tune back in.

The morning show has become an utter joke. Dunlap does okay but the Miller and Colony thing is a mystery to me. Miller is a former NFL PUNTER, Colony is a lifelong Pittsburgh media worker bee. The gags are worn out. It's nothing but Dunlap trying to find a pressure point that Yinzers will react to, getting them to do so, and talking about how odd Colony is. Sorry I don't want to waste my morning drive listening to how socially awkward a late 50's white man is and debating Antonio Brown's dancing.

Never listen to Cook and Poni. Cook clearly hates his on-air partner (with good reason) and Poni isn't even worth wasting the time to hate. Starkey and Mueller has just become Snarky and Duller. "Thanks Muellsy...I'm another socially awkward 60 year old white male from Buffalo" is basically their entire show wrapped around a 12 year old who's trying to BE Dunlap.

In short I listen to some of the postgame shows now when driving home, but I'd just really like to hear some different voices. At least with Zeise and Douglas you can see them trying to have a conversation, rather than adopting a viewpoint and trying to see how much friction they can create.

I get that all I don't like about the station is what drives their ratings. I simply choose not to add to them.
Zeise is really good .....
Stopped listening otherwise unless it's Pirates or Pitt.
Mark Madden rules Pgh sports radio talk.
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The Fan is the poorest excuse for a flagship station - ever. They're the best endorsement for Sirius radio if you're in need of a sports-talk fix.
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I have Sirius, but I prefer podcasts..Ringer University, Wentzel to Forde, Trib Live, Cowherd.

If you ever drive out of town to Philly or NYC, their sports radio makes The Fan look like a bunch of amateurs.
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I think the Fan's biggest problem is they try to stir up controversy and alot of it is contrived which leads to alot of faux and manufactured outrage.

Madden does this well. But where I hate Madden, is I hate his callers (who I think every 10 don't have the sum IQ of 166) try and placate him and are intimidated into calling up with same banal form of agreement, to which Madden rips them anyway.
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I use to drive alot and would try to listen to 93.7, but the commercials were murder. So I went with Sirius/XM and it was a great decision.

Then after the Canada hiring and Barnes talk a couple weeks ago, I have completely banned 93.7 other than Zeise. It's like they cannot wait to jump on Pitt and spin it negatively. They are discussing Canada, then the next thing they raise is "if D'Anotnio leaves, then Narduzzi will be looking at MSU, or possibly ND. I give him two more years at Pitt and he will be gone."

If they are a flagship station, then I am going to be next Secretary of State. Pitt needs to kick them to the curb. Although they are all sports all the time, they never discuss Pitt and when they do it is all negative. When Pitt does do something positive it then the discussion reverts to the attendance. Its the same narrative over and over, and I have removed them from my radio dial.
Mueller is constantly trying to
Be funny and is not. He's laughing the entire time he's talking. Horrible!
Can only listen to Paul Zeise for any extended time. For the most part I usually agree with the things that Cook says, but I can't listen long to him because I just can't get over his worship of Paterno, or should I say "the great Paterno."
Starkey and Mueller just seem to be silly - can't listen to them for more than a few minutes.

Besides Zeise, I actually enjoy listening to Tab Douglas...

But I will say that these guys have a tough job - I mean they have to rehash the same information over and over all day long. Can't expect it to be exactly riveting...

Go Pitt.
Poni is insufferable. No matter the subject he acts like he is all knowing and feels the need to pontificate on it.
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