93.7 the fan

Cap pitt

Jul 20, 2014
I personally am not a hockey fan, I don't like the sport at all and I'm sure a lot of you are and love the Penguins, and I bet there are a lot of people who think like I do and don't like hockey either. but I swear it seems like every time I turn on the fan, they are talking hockey, show after show,how can they find all this stuff to talk about, they must repeat themselves over and over again, except for Paul Zeise, he actually does talk Pitt. They say home of Pitt and the Pirates very seldom Pitt, not much outside of pregame
I can't listen to hockey talk or watch one minute of it on tv...

Thank God baseball has arrived!!!
Re: 93.7 The Ban!

I can't listen to Hockey or Baseball Talk until the Playoffs, but Will listen on Pitt Football and Steelers and NCAA and Pitt Basketball if by Zeise, and anybody but Kooky & Baloney, I call them "The Ban!"


This post was edited on 4/7 1:42 AM by CaptainSidneyReilly
Those guys have been bashing the Pens relentlessly. It is not just Pitt that gets treated that way on the Fan.
Yes, because ratings is going to go through the roof if they talk about Pitt, at this time of year. No doubt, this city and region is waiting for blow by blow reports of the Spring game. And recruiting. Yeah. That will hold the interest.
I'm blessed with satellite radio in my Car so no need to listen to that station aNY longer, thankfully. But I have a loaner car this week due to service. No Sirius. So had their morning show on briefly during today's commute.
In those few minutes I could tolerate, the hosts cried a sea of tears for the Pirates getting "screwed" yesterday by the umps. Wow, must have been some apocolyptic event they were referring to. Naw. Due to ONE single borderline pitch, turned out. One pitch. In a 5-2 beat down. Created 12 minutes of 3 grown men nearly weeping over the travesty.

Ok, it's the "flagship" station, you expect it to be an unabashed homer. Thats actually admirable, in a way. They are protecting their team's interests.

Hmmm...but wait. That station is the flagship for another program too. Yet never once in several years did I ever hear such defense for the OTHER flagship team, even when that team was LEGITIMATELY raped up the ass by incompetent officials. With calls that took winning TDs off the scoreboard. Not single random pitches.

The nauseating feeling for the station returned right away and I resorted to just streaming tunes from my smart phone for the duration. Thank goodness for Bluetooth.
Philly never tires of "Iggles" talk . . . kind of like "Stillers talk" but worse.
I love the Pens but nothing is worse than penguin sports talk on the radio.. If I have to hear more about Beau Bennett playing on the 3rd line, I swear I will drive my car into oncoming traffic.. Lovejoy, seriously, there is a human being out there that honestly is interested enough in Ben Freakin Lovejoy to get up, pick up the phone, get put on hold and then ask a question about Ben Lovejoy? It's depressing and comical at the same time..

Last week, there were back to back calls regarding Steve downie.. Do you know how ridiculous it is that one person cares enough about Steve Downie to make a call, but two people on this planet care enough to start a conversation about him, that aren't his parents?? Almost too hard to believe.. Once again, I love the pens but unless we are talking about Dan Quinn and Mario raping a 19 year old girl in a hotel room, spare me the boring sports radio talk.k
This post was edited on 4/7 7:47 PM by Pghfan