Keep in mind there are only 128 teams.
Defensive Red Zone %
Pitt - 124th 96.77%
ASU - 112th 91.43%
Opponents Points per Game
Pitt - 111th 37.9 ppg
ASU -118th 39.5 ppg
Allowed Offensive Touchdowns per Game
Pitt - 108th 4.5 OTDs per game
ASU - 115th 5.1 OTDs per game
Yards Per Point
Pitt - 113th 12.2 YPP
ASU -94th 13.3 YPP
Opponent Passing First Downs per Game
Pitt - 120th 13.4
ASU -128th 15.6
Opponent Passing Yards per Game
Pitt - 126th 341.9 YPG
ASU -128th 401.1 YPG
Opponent Average Passer Rating
Pitt - 121st 155.0 rating
ASU -124th 158.1 rating
Opponent Yards per Pass Attempt
Pitt - 127th 9.0 ypa
ASU -124 8.8 ypa
Here's an interesting, but heartbreaking, stat.
Opponent Points in the 4th quarter
Michigan State and Pitt tied for last in the nation with an average of allowing opponents 12 points per 4th quarter.
Defensive Red Zone %
Pitt - 124th 96.77%
ASU - 112th 91.43%
Opponents Points per Game
Pitt - 111th 37.9 ppg
ASU -118th 39.5 ppg
Allowed Offensive Touchdowns per Game
Pitt - 108th 4.5 OTDs per game
ASU - 115th 5.1 OTDs per game
Yards Per Point
Pitt - 113th 12.2 YPP
ASU -94th 13.3 YPP
Opponent Passing First Downs per Game
Pitt - 120th 13.4
ASU -128th 15.6
Opponent Passing Yards per Game
Pitt - 126th 341.9 YPG
ASU -128th 401.1 YPG
Opponent Average Passer Rating
Pitt - 121st 155.0 rating
ASU -124th 158.1 rating
Opponent Yards per Pass Attempt
Pitt - 127th 9.0 ypa
ASU -124 8.8 ypa
Here's an interesting, but heartbreaking, stat.
Opponent Points in the 4th quarter
Michigan State and Pitt tied for last in the nation with an average of allowing opponents 12 points per 4th quarter.