And here we go...PSU frat member defends behavior....

If a member of the frat is a football player the cult will justify it as boys being boys and
no harm no foul. Isn't that what poopy pants said!
Jhud, speaking of poopy pants, I remember a member of the North Allegheny band several years ago dressed accordingly during the Halloween parade in Bloomfield.
Originally posted by DruidTM:
Watch video.....

I can't make this way.....
By the time this is over, they'll spin it so that the fraternity will be the victim.

The Nits seems to have "victimization" down to a science. Maybe this is one of the many majors that are offered at that university?
Re: Penn State Trustees Blowback Can't Defend It, LINK!

An administrator who led a task force that recommended Penn State change how it handles sexual assault and misconduct says allegations about a fraternity's secret Facebook page shows the need for school trustees to continue work on those issues.

Read more:





I said it before, and still saying it now, Senator Corman and the New Trustees that demanded nothing went wrong at Penn State will come to regret their actions. In time, as Women Groups, National Media, and maybe USAG Lynch New DOJ Investigations into collusion with some Judges in a New Federal Investigation will come under even more pressure in the future.

Penn Staters think this is all over but really is just starting and when the entire Fraternity Computers and emails and Twitters come out, they will have traces that will hold many criminally charged not just a few?

They really need a "Blue Ribbon Committee" to take over Penn State University and get to the bottom to clean up the big mess created the last 50 Years at Penn State? A Name change will be order too! I can see President Barron gone in less than a year? This is growing and not going away, just keep coming back like vomit from a Addict that shoots up too much!


This post was edited on 3/20 2:13 PM by CaptainSidneyReilly
This punk in the interview is already claiming the Fraternity is being wrongly publicized. It's OK because every frat does it? Sounds a little like the DOMINATOR telling that girl at Vandy to get a dozen of her friends to "entertain" the recruits. Didn't he say "it's against NCAA rules BUT EVERYBODY DOES IT".
Re: Pitt-Chains, This Is How They Defend It!

Penn State CULTure Eating Penn State Trustees Reformers!
The Penn State Trustees Allowed Paterno's Patterns Of Secrecy!

Now they are eating others as Children and Women Victims are still becoming Victims!

Yet, President Barron and State Senator Corman claim there is nothing wrong with the Penn State CULTure to keep and save their jobs?

hey man, everybody does it, everybodys a pervy creep (sorry, no), and man, it's just like, so UNFAIR that it's getting publicized man. like, i don't deserve this dude.
Maybe he's right.

Originally posted by deepelemblues:
hey man, everybody does it, everybodys a pervy creep (sorry, no), and man, it's just like, so UNFAIR that it's getting publicized man. like, i don't deserve this dude.
Maybe in Happy Valley, everybody does do it.
Originally posted by wbrpanther:
This punk in the interview is already claiming the Fraternity is being wrongly publicized. It's OK because every frat does it? Sounds a little like the DOMINATOR telling that girl at Vandy to get a dozen of her friends to "entertain" the recruits. Didn't he say "it's against NCAA rules BUT EVERYBODY DOES IT".
...and we're supposed to believe that they don't have a "culture problem"?

Do You see the Clery Report coming any time soon with the new DOJ person?
Re: Maybe he's right.

Originally posted by Panther Parrothead:

Originally posted by deepelemblues:
hey man, everybody does it, everybodys a pervy creep (sorry, no), and man, it's just like, so UNFAIR that it's getting publicized man. like, i don't deserve this dude.
Maybe in Happy Valley, everybody does do it.
wouldn't be surprised if you're right.
The SAD(istic) reality is that statutory rape of kids and the abuse of unconscious people is accepted as routine.
BUT...the moment one of us starts calling these actions by something other than the "polite" expressions we give them, then the posts get banned.
That perpetuates the sense that PSU is being victimized.
Hey listen. WE ARE or WE AREN'T. It can't be both.
IMO, the PSU culture permeates every aspect of life there. Oh to be white and privileged attending a school where your sins are ignored.
Happy Valley = the worlds largest insane asylum.
Olbermann vindicated in the article

Just read the Philly article. Comical that everyone is making such a big deal about this. The secret page wasn't devoted to naked pics, but it was used for fraternity business like THON.

In all seriousness why does everyone at psu tout this self righteous behavior? Sick bastards
Spot on Sara Ganim interview about when "fans turn vile."

Even the interviewer Ganim was discussing the phenomenon with was appalled by how vile the Cult was in harrassing the victims and reporters involved with the story:

"Penn St? Where the victims were children?"

Ganim also detailed as part of a written article the vileness she personally witnessed from the Cult during his Pulitzer Prize winning coverage of the Sandusky/Paterno scandal.

This post was edited on 3/20 8:28 PM by Joe Pa Thetic
Re: Spot on Sara Ganim interview about when "fans turn vile."

The real tell tail sign of their being a cult is how quickly they will eat their own for not embracing the cult. Ganim, Peetz...and the list goes on and on.
Re: Spot on Sara Ganim interview about when "fans turn vile."

Her comments on St Penn are spot on...

I saw this unfold at Penn State, when former defensive coordinator Jerry Sandusky was accused and convicted of child rape. Sandusky is now in jail for the rest of his life, but his legacy of abuse lives on through websites that harass witnesses and victims.
Some of these so-called fans are grown, well-adjusted men and women, who are productive members of society, who otherwise would be considered rational and objective. They take time out of their days to bully people who they've never met, in defense of someone they've never met. It's unbelievable.
"They can either stop liking the player and team or slam on the accuser. ... It's a coping strategy. You're not going to pretend it doesn't matter to you. You're going to find a way to make it better again," said Daniel L. Wann, a professor of psychology who teaches on this topic at Murray State University.
In the Penn State scandal, victims' names, addresses, and the names and addresses of their families were posted online.
Witnesses have been chased, heckled. One victim was bullied out of high school for "getting Joe Paterno fired." (Paterno is the legendary coach whose reputation was tarnished when Sandusky was arrested. An assistant coach testified that he told Paterno he witnessed Sandusky doing something sexual with a boy in a shower, and a jury convicted Sandusky of indecently touching that boy.)
I once saw a man launch into a profanity-laced tirade about the investigation while outside of Penn State's Beaver Stadium, clad in a blue and white jersey while holding his 5-year-old daughter in his arms. I'll never forget that, and I bet his daughter won't either.
I've seen -- and been the target of -- taunting and chasing. One woman, a Penn State fan, tweeted that she was going to rip my face off while sitting behind me in court.
Was watching some TV commentary on this.
The reporter brought up just who undressed the women and the high probability they were sexually assaulted.

Yes this does happen elsewhere - not just Ped State.
But put this in the context of Ped State Culture.
They institutionally hid a serial child molester for over 20 years.
They hire a football coach who just left an investigation where his player did the same thing and he admitted setting up a "hostess" program that he knew was involution of NCAA rules.

On the bright side at least it was adults who were molested and violated this time - so I guess thats progress.
Originally posted by Pitt-Chains:
46,000 students.. 100 protest... Telling.

What did you expect? It's not like they fired a football coach that oversaw decades of covering up child rape.
This post was edited on 3/21 9:28 AM by CrazyPaco
Questions on the Ped State scandal

I'm referring to the Sandusky one - there are so many it's hard to keep track.

Haven't followed things closely as its just droning on.
Question for anyone in the know

1) Are Spanier Schultz and Curley paying for their defense in the criminal trials or is that covered by Ped State insurance?

2) Spanier recently filed his defamation suit at against Freeh et al and the school. I assume he's paying for this. Would an attorney take it on a contingency basis? Does anyone know are the same attorneys representing him both the civil and criminal cases? Won't this essentially be the same issues?

3) Any whispers about the Clery Violations?

Thanks in advance
Children, Narcissists, Sociopaths and Cultists can never apologize

They believe themselves to be right all the time about everything. I am very glad that I have lost penn state football cult members in my life. They were worthless. Much like this idiot kid from the fraternity.
Re: Questions on the Ped State scandal

Stop it. Stop it. Stop it. Stop it. Stop it. Stop it. Stop it.

NOTHING is going to come out of this. Nothing. NOTHING.

Do these Nitwits read their own B.S.! The insinuation that this player will be surrounded by better people if he attends PSU? Do they not read the newspaper. Spanier sues the school he was president of? A frat posts photo's of nude passed out girls and proudly defends it? A professor lights up a cigarette on a airplane and goes on a drunken rant? This is just one week in the life of one screwed up place...yet, they still think they are some how a better place than other football factories. These people just kill me with their blind arrogance! I'm sorry...I know many of you are tired of these PSU threads...but it's like trying not to watch a train wreck.

P.S. It's not hyper linked...get over it.

This post was edited on 3/21 6:13 PM by Pitt is #1
Re: Questions on the Ped State scandal

Originally posted by recruitsreadtheseboards:

Stop it. Stop it. Stop it. Stop it. Stop it. Stop it. Stop it.

NOTHING is going to come out of this. Nothing. NOTHING.

I disagree. Something is already coming of it. The national and even worldwide perception is that Penn State is a very messed up place right now. This type of incident can and does happen at other places. But only Penn Staters will try to defend and justify that it is acceptable because it happens elsewhere.

The cult is getting absolutely hammered on this in the media, the message boards and at the watercooler.

The very thing that the Branch Campus Davidians hold most sacred is what was once known as the Grand Experiment which turned out to be the Grand Facade. They live their lives holding on to the one thing that makes them feel better about themselves--that they went to a school and root for a team that was morally and intellectually superior to all others. They smugly threw that at all others for decades. Now the truth is out and that so-called university turns out to have been hiding some horrific things behind the Wizard's curtain. No longer are they superior, but inferior in all of those things they held so dear for decades. Instead of praise for their allegiance to Penn State, they endure well-deserved ridicule.

Now the football team itself may not be feeling the brunt of the outrage at the cultists' behaviour, but the fans, students and the alums are. Their legacy is the institutionalised sexual deviance that we see coming from there. That is what comes to mind to many when you hear the words "Penn State".

And this is not just coming from the Joe Haters at Pitt. This is nationwide and even international. The PSU frat sexual deviance story was highlighted on the international CNN website. There is a story on the BBC website, and one in the Guardian as well. This story has been covered in the New Zealand papers as well. Penn State came up in a board meeting of our local ice hockey club in New Zealand. The national ice hockey federation is requiring background checks on anyone involved in coaching or managing the teams. Penn State was then mentioned and all kind of chuckled at that, but it is really not funny.

So that is what the cultists are facing. They wish to have it the way it was, but that isn't going to happen. Until they actually get to the root cause of the problem, which is them, they will be seen worldwide for what they are, not what they thought they were in days gone by. The curtain has been drawn back, and the once powerful Wizard is now seen to be just a fool.
Re: USN_Panther Is Spot On!

Although many wanted the Death Penalty to Penn State and unhappy Sanctions were reduced, nothing has been accomplished erasing the documented and non-refutable pain and shame upon Children and now Women of, by, and for Penn State University, Football Program and Money protection that used silence, secrets and covered up intimidation done by only Penn Staters, alumni, and Employees.

Serious damage has been done of Penn State and by Penn Staters and that is not going away for a long time including two generations. The University History, Traditions, and Current Reputation along with the Paterno Legacy as been brought shame to Penn State Name and they blame each other.

Sara Ganim one of Penn State Best and Brightest is attacked by the Penn State CULTure instead of being welcomed, honored, and recognized. This is the damage that all Penn State now see when looking upon their Sheepskins and those are not full of pride in anyone of their hearts.

When anyone at anytime ever brings up Children Molestation in anyway, Penn State University Name comes up in everyone's minds along with Paterno Football Legacy and that is not a good thing?

As more comes out, more will be reminded of the shame at Penn State and no defense can survive reality except in the minds of those Penn state CULTure Alumni and Fans, and they know it!

Re: Pitt-Chains, Apologies & Ditto!

I trended upon your use of "Spot On" and wrote my own reactions before reading your own Post. I apologize and agree with you, and ditto again!

Re: Questions on the Ped State scandal

Originally posted by USN_Panther:

Originally posted by recruitsreadtheseboards:

Stop it. Stop it. Stop it. Stop it. Stop it. Stop it. Stop it.

NOTHING is going to come out of this. Nothing. NOTHING.

I disagree. Something is already coming of it. The national and even worldwide perception is that Penn State is a very messed up place right now. This type of incident can and does happen at other places. But only Penn Staters will try to defend and justify that it is acceptable because it happens elsewhere.

The cult is getting absolutely hammered on this in the media, the message boards and at the watercooler.

The very thing that the Branch Campus Davidians hold most sacred is what was once known as the Grand Experiment which turned out to be the Grand Facade. They live their lives holding on to the one thing that makes them feel better about themselves--that they went to a school and root for a team that was morally and intellectually superior to all others. They smugly threw that at all others for decades. Now the truth is out and that so-called university turns out to have been hiding some horrific things behind the Wizard's curtain. No longer are they superior, but inferior in all of those things they held so dear for decades. Instead of praise for their allegiance to Penn State, they endure well-deserved ridicule.

Now the football team itself may not be feeling the brunt of the outrage at the cultists' behaviour, but the fans, students and the alums are. Their legacy is the institutionalised sexual deviance that we see coming from there. That is what comes to mind to many when you hear the words "Penn State".

And this is not just coming from the Joe Haters at Pitt. This is nationwide and even international. The PSU frat sexual deviance story was highlighted on the international CNN website. There is a story on the BBC website, and one in the Guardian as well. This story has been covered in the New Zealand papers as well. Penn State came up in a board meeting of our local ice hockey club in New Zealand. The national ice hockey federation is requiring background checks on anyone involved in coaching or managing the teams. Penn State was then mentioned and all kind of chuckled at that, but it is really not funny.

So that is what the cultists are facing. They wish to have it the way it was, but that isn't going to happen. Until they actually get to the root cause of the problem, which is them, they will be seen worldwide for what they are, not what they thought they were in days gone by. The curtain has been drawn back, and the once powerful Wizard is now seen to be just a fool.
USN, I respect what you are saying. But this is a football board. And really, it does us no good to discredit a good school (which PSU is) in all reality. What everyone posts on here for is awaiting for more damage to their football program, and it is not happening. They are incorrigible, they don't care. The mere hirings of Franklin and Barron indicate how tone deaf that whole community is.

I know for good fact the reason why the NCAA used the Freeh Report and did not further investigate into their athletic and football programs to see how deep some of this was interwoven, is because they figured PSU would be humiliated and contrite, and accept the punishment and just move on. Little did they know they would whine, act like the victims and sue, sue, sue their way past this. In fact, I know this, one person connected to the NCAA said "if we knew this, we would have dug under every rock, every email and they would have been shut down, toast without parole" but they figured the message would be received and PSU would emerge damaged and humbled with proper message sent.

But that didn't happen. So it is too late. People don't want the truth, they just want it over. The damage has been done.
Re: Questions on the Ped State scandal


I agree that the football program will not be reigned in by the NCAA. The consent decree should have been a 5 year death penalty or a full investigation with the possibility of a forever ban with all evidence being made public. At the time, they would have accepted that. It may have been the only way to save the university.

The Joebots are hellbent on destroying the entire university. They are electing members to the BOT for the sole purpose of restoring all things Paterno. These trustees have no idea about how to govern a university. The ones who do are getting harassed when they are trying to actually protect and advance the university.

The sanctioning of the football program will come from within, or they will suffer dearly as a university. The perception will affect their ability to recruit faculty, students and funding. Their former president is suing the university! The Paterno family is suing the university. Can you imagine Mark Nordenberg suing Pitt? There is a civil war going on up there for control of the university.

PSU is under an intense microscope now. If one of their players gets a parking ticket, it will be in the news. And all of this for a .500 football team.

The Clery violations have yet to be settled. Why so long???? I think it is because the violations are so horrific, that they have to temper the response so as to not shut the place down entirely.

I must say that I am incredibly thankful every day that my degree is from Pitt.