Antonio Brown Involved in More Trouble Feb. 5th News


Heisman Winner
Nov 22, 2015

As I posted before there will be one AB incident after another until he ends up out of football and eventually broke or maybe worse.

AB problems will be numerous so dating them will assist the reader in keeping track of his maniacle behavior

AB said when he was 16 he was homeless and lived in a car.

This could happen to AB again, it might be a Bentley but it'll still be a car.

"it's five o'clock somewhere"
Signed: Mr Buffett
Go PITT & CSU Rams!
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As I posted before there will be one AB incident after another until he ends up out of football and eventually broke.
id almost speculate that he is sabotaging himself to de-value his trade value so the steelers cut him but that's way to elaborate and risky for someone of his intelligence to accomplish..

guy is a ticking time bomb.. I wish he could just behave for like 2 more months so we can get something for him, anything. Yesterday, Bouchette said no one will offer anything higher than a 4th rd pick. I think that's a tad dramatic. Right now, i'd take a 3rd rd pick for him..
id almost speculate that he is sabotaging himself to de-value his trade value so the steelers cut him but that's way to elaborate and risky for someone of his intelligence to accomplish..

guy is a ticking time bomb.. I wish he could just behave for like 2 more months so we can get something for him, anything. Yesterday, Bouchette said no one will offer anything higher than a 4th rd pick. I think that's a tad dramatic. Right now, i'd take a 3rd rd pick for him..
I heard Bouchette talk about this.He said the team taking AB is likely to put conditions in his contract so they have an out if he starts up with his craziness again.
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As I posted before there will be one AB incident after another until he ends up out of football and eventually broke or maybe worse.

AB said when he was 16 he was homeless and lived in a car.

This could happen to AB again, it might be a Bentley but it'll still be a car.

"it's five o'clock somewhere"
Signed: Mr Buffett
Go PITT & CSU Rams!

he'll go away and the kids he produced will suffer...
Just a shame whatever the issue is. Guy was/ is a tremendous talent and really came from a crappy background to what most would consider the greatest situation in the sports world. Being a Steeler hero in good standing literally is like a license to print money on command in this region. Look how Franco is still leveraging it 40 years after his playing days.
Just a shame whatever the issue is. Guy was/ is a tremendous talent and really came from a crappy background to what most would consider the greatest situation in the sports world. Being a Steeler hero in good standing literally is like a license to print money on command in this region. Look how Franco is still leveraging it 40 years after his playing days.

The key is to take advantage of opportunities created by in AB's case talent and hard work.

AB seems to be almost on purpose doing the exact opposite which could land him exactly where he started off unfortunately for him.

"it's five o'clock somewhere"
Signed: Mr Buffett
Go PITT & CSU Rams!
The key is to take advantage of opportunities created by in AB's case talent and hard work.

AB seems to be almost on purpose doing the exact opposite which could land him exactly where he started off unfortunately for him.

"it's five o'clock somewhere"
Signed: Mr Buffett
Go PITT & CSU Rams!

he will soon be looking for work... waste management special. signing bonus.
From the hilariously breathless news accounts at 6, it sounds like it was your standard shakedown attempt from one of the various women he's procreated with. He wasn't charged.

He like so many athletes and other celebs, he really should have gotten a vasectomy when he came into his money.
From the hilariously breathless news accounts at 6, it sounds like it was your standard shakedown attempt from one of the various women he's procreated with. He wasn't charged.

He like so many athletes and other celebs, he really should have gotten a vasectomy when he came into his money.
Not the whole story.
It was one of the women that has one or more of his kids and was a dispute over some haircut thing.
She was dropping his child off at his home and some dispute took place.
AB apparently threw her to the ground and injured her arm or wrist.
The NFL will get the police report and will look for pics that the police took.
When the police told her AB would be arrested she declined to press charges.
But the NFL is looking into this and so are the Steelers.
This could be similar to the Kareem Hunt thing where Hunt lied to the Chiefs telling them nothing happened and the tape surfaced.
So if tape or pics surface revealing injuries to the woman AB could be in trouble just like Hunt and Rice were.
I head Bouchette talk about that and he said the team taking AB is likely to put conditions in his contract so they have an out if he starts up with his craziness again.

He’s under contract, isn’t he? If so, don’t see how a team trading for him can put new terms into the contract. If he is cut, that’s a different story. However, a guy interviewed on The Fan today said if he is cut Steelers take a big cap hit.
He’s under contract, isn’t he? If so, don’t see how a team trading for him can put new terms into the contract. If he is cut, that’s a different story. However, a guy interviewed on The Fan today said if he is cut Steelers take a big cap hit.
Don't know ask the PG's - Bouchette who is supposed to be a professional saying stuff like that.
If I was to put the time in looking up these details I'm take Bouchett's PG full-time job which I could do part-time.

"it's five o'clock somewhere"
Signed: Mr Buffett
Go PITT & CSU Rams!
Don't know ask the PG's - Bouchette who is supposed to be a professional saying stuff like that.
If I was to put the time in looking up these details I'm take Bouchett's PG full-time job which I could do part-time.

"it's five o'clock somewhere"
Signed: Mr Buffett
Go PITT & CSU Rams!
Not in the contract. I would think it would be a trade with conditional draft picks for AB. For example, a team would trade a 4th round pick to the Steelers but If he behaves or helps the team win, or has a good year, the team would trade a 3 rounder instead. The problem with that is the draft pick would not be in this draft and it would have to be in another. But I would think the Steelers are desperate to move him so they may have to do something like that, instead of cutting him and seeing him go to NE and help them win.

Btw, where is Souf? He usually obsesses over these discussions.
Doesn't have to be CTE but the number of shots he's taken could be just as much to blame. Head trauma is a nasty thing and does really horrible things to people.
I think Rouge Panther was joking just enough to bait someone to take him serious????
So like everything else today poor AB will blame his craziness on CTE, and will totally ignore the fact that he's actually crazy!

"it's five o'clock somewhere"
Signed: Mr Buffett
Go PITT & CSU Rams!
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I think Rouge Panther was joking just enough to bait someone to take him serious????
So like everything else today poor AB will blame his craziness on CTE, and will totally ignore the fact that he's actually crazy!

"it's five o'clock somewhere"
Signed: Mr Buffett
Go PITT & CSU Rams!

Oh yeah, a guy with mental health issues is definitely funnier that someone with brain damage.

So you and Mrs. Buffet sit around and laugh at mentally ill people too? Do you have a fun story about how you and Mrs. Buffet did something elaborate and aloof and got to point your finger at someone like that? Please, do tell.
Oh yeah, a guy with mental health issues is definitely funnier that someone with brain damage.

So you and Mrs. Buffet sit around and laugh at mentally ill people too? Do you have a fun story about how you and Mrs. Buffet did something elaborate and aloof and got to point your finger at someone like that? Please, do tell.

Your post was about CTE which is a stretch.
I didn't laugh I just said today its so easy for a person to absolve themselves from taking personal responsibility for anything just by blaming someone or something.

I said AB = self imposed crazy not clinically crazy and there's a difference.!!!!!!!!!!
I said AB= bad judgement, bad temper, implusive kinda crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have zero sympathy for that kind of crazy.
For some people AB included crazy is a choice it's not clinical!
I know many self imposed crazy people who I stay away from. They have bad judgement, terrible tempers, and make bad choices like AB. These are choices!
As far as AB goes he's made himself look crazy through bad judgement, bad temper, implusive personality and a tendency to make bad choices.
When he was interviewed during SB time an ex Steeler told him hey AB you're to high to do an interview. That kind of a bad choice and crazy.
When he threw furniture off a balcony, sped down a Pittsburgh roadway that was a fit of temper , a bad choice, poor judgement which = crazy.

Yes it's not CTE AB is crazy.

But we do sit home, with friends and laugh and joke about some crazy people like Ocasio Cortez, Elizabeth Warren, and others like them!
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I think Rouge Panther was joking just enough to bait someone to take him serious????
So like everything else today poor AB will blame his craziness on CTE, and will totally ignore the fact that he's actually crazy!

"it's five o'clock somewhere"
Signed: Mr Buffett
Go PITT & CSU Rams!

Was not joking. I seriously think he has CTE. He has not been the same since Burfect took his head clean off....

He's always been a bit crazy, but it's been off the charts crazy since then. I would almost gaurentee we find out he has CTE when the time comes....
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Was not joking. I seriously think he has CTE. He has not been the same since Burfect took his head clean off....

He's always been a bit crazy, but it's been off the charts crazy since then. I would almost gaurentee we find out he has CTE when the time comes....
I think the only 100% sure way to diagnose this "condition" is to examine his brain after he's no longer living? It's such a common condition these days and no one can figure out how to prove someone actually has this common condition.

One hit isn't what causes CTE.

Any of these could have set him off:
He could be just upset that he let a ugly, fat guy, with bad hair make a good hit on him
Or Ben's comments on the radio about his bad route running on the radio
Nagging from one of his many wives
Tomlins unending discipline???
He didn't like his porch /balcony furniture anyway
JuJu's success and MVP award
Ben likes to throw to JuJu a guy who rides a bicycle
Tomlin never yells at Ben
I had no idea he was speeding
Ben & Tomlin used the Oakland x ray machine as an excuse and got away with it
Steelers equipment mgr didn't have the right shoes in Oakland and he couldn't stand up
Boswell couldn't hit a barn with a football that's why we lose not because I can't run pass routes

There's others.

"it's five o'clock somewhere"
Signed: Mr Buffett
Go PITT & CSU Rams!
The best is when a perp (or his tv news attorney) will give the straight face excuse that "he/she was stoned/drunk/doped" when he did the crime. And it is supposed to just be ok. Ummm... nobody held you down and made you addicted. Yet the legal system (which is corrupt in itself) gives leeway for this.

Being drunk seems old school, and thus less justifiable in recent years. More outrage/less tolerance for DUIs or fights, damage etc caused by booze (which is great... finally).

But nobody seems a bit concerned that relaxed pot use (and stronger pot) likely are going to lead to more driving while stoned. It's gonna grow. At least people should be more mellow, right?

But the new acceptable crutch for crimes seems to be heroin and opioids. I have personally been associated with victims of a truly sad and costly crime where the perp's 'excuse' is being a heroin addict, given incredible lax treatment as a result, including next to no accountability for retribution. The person ripped off an acquaintance of mine for an outrageous amount, five figures in value (including an irreplaceable heirloom); tried and convicted (they actually pled no contest; never incarcerated, not forced into rehab, still is loose, still on heroin (as confirmed by an officer familiar), still likely ripping others off similarly to get their fix. Completely forgiven to blow off their retribution, that was already inadequate compared to the value (set low because "they're broke"). When the victim pleads for action, the DA, the parole officer, etc all shrug and say "we can't burden them, they're addicts.". (More accurately, that's the message left after these disinterested offices eventually return my friend's calls, usually after days and weeks of attempts).

The addicts are considered the victims. And why not, from the governor on down, that's the attitude, "opioids are a disease, a health issue". To an extent yes, but once scenarios like above occur, it's much more a criminal issue. Progressives then wonder why some voters are "angry".

But where were we? Oh, AB and his demons. I think that's more a case of poor character, not CTE. He was exposed to have a long, long record of transgressions once he became a pro and got sudden wealth. Partly environmental, as he came from dirt and likely no positive role models. But ultimately personal responsibility aka character has to be paramount for repeated actions.
WHO CARES, 93.7 the fan , that is all they talk about day and night, night and day, get over it, find different topics to discuss. If not for Levon Bell and AB you guys and the moronic station would have to go out of business. Move on
WHO CARES, 93.7 the fan , that is all they talk about day and night, night and day, get over it, find different topics to discuss. If not for Levon Bell and AB you guys and the moronic station would have to go out of business. Move on
I'd normally agree, but move on to what?

LOI day? Good heavens. Not even PSU did anything interesting or impressive. Maybe the FAN should send someone to cover Kentucky, the new juggernaut.

College basketball season is dead. We won't likely win again. Our recruiting is as crippled as football's. We can't buy a recruit (don't hyperventilate, Mr. Gallagher, just a figure of speech). No other regional school is worth attention.

The Penguins aren't worth attention until the playoffs. Even the Penguins themselves are disinterested.

The Pirates? ROTFLMAO. They've already checked out for the season. And the next 100 seasons. I think they signed a dead guy this week.

AB actually IS the only topic worth noticing right now.
Here’s an interesting read. This was after AB signed a new contract. Might have been part of what Ryan clark described on tv a couple of weeks ago.

I'd normally agree, but move on to what?

LOI day? Good heavens. Not even PSU did anything interesting or impressive. Maybe the FAN should send someone to cover Kentucky, the new juggernaut.

College basketball season is dead. We won't likely win again. Our recruiting is as crippled as football's. We can't buy a recruit (don't hyperventilate, Mr. Gallagher, just a figure of speech). No other regional school is worth attention.

The Penguins aren't worth attention until the playoffs. Even the Penguins themselves are disinterested.

The Pirates? ROTFLMAO. They've already checked out for the season. And the next 100 seasons. I think they signed a dead guy this week.

AB actually IS the only topic worth noticing right now.
Hallmark movies!!!!!