Article “Ex-college football walk-ons conflicted as House v. NCAA settlement leaves future uncertain for underdogs”

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In this era of college football there few impactful walk-ons because of the access to film and camps. Very few kids go undiscovered today
I think the three best in the Narduzzi era were Aston, Morrissey, and Idowu.

But yeah... While there have been others who have gotten playing time, I can't say I've ever been thrilled when seeing Lapi, Malone, etc. in there. Been a while since we've seen one who has been all that impactful.
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I think it's important to remember that not all walk-ons are the same. "Preferred" walk-ons are kids that maybe don't quite fit in the class but are sometimes getting other forms of aid or are promised a scholarship if one thing or another happens. I've known a couple who came from wealthy families and wanted to be in the program they went to and didn't care about the scholarship. Did get playing time. You also have the kids who show up and want to try out. Rudy's, if you will. I don't really know how programs handle that but it's probably very rare that these kids ever end up with a scholarship.

My suspicion is that many of these preferred walk-ons will end up with scholarships right out of the gate but it's still unclear if every school is going to just give a hundred and whatever scholarships. Some may choose not to and rely on more traditional methods. We'll have to let that play out.
This is a complete non-issue. With there being 105 scholarships, many current walk-ons would be scholarship players. A program like Pitt may keep 85 guys on scholarships and take 20 "preferred walk-ons." If you want to play D1 and dont get an offer, go FCS or D2 and then transfer up. I am not shedding any tears for these kids.

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