Bad look by Pitt


Gold Member
Nov 13, 2017

Not a good look. Heather has made many good moves but this needs to be taken care of ASAP. It’s hard enough to recruit to Pitt as is. PN & staff should not have to fight for this. You don’t want former players & their families turning on Pitt because the school wants to save what is really small change to them in the long run.

You would never hear about this at PSU, OSU & many other schools where they take care of their student athletes. It may sound small to some but it’s another thing in a long list that can be used against Pitt in recruiting.
So , they may have to pay rent a couple months and maybe have a class or two of debt?
Prior to moving into the real world?
The horror
How do you think this will fly in recruiting? You know other coaches are going to use this a selling point. If I am a coach going up against Pitt I would be selling we care about our players and will give you five years. We don’t cast you away after you use up your eligibility like Pitt.

Not a good look. Heather has made many good moves but this needs to be taken care of ASAP. It’s hard enough to recruit to Pitt as is. PN & staff should not have to fight for this. You don’t want former players & their families turning on Pitt because the school wants to save what is really small change to them in the long run.

You would never hear about this at PSU, OSU & many other schools where they take care of their student athletes. It may sound small to some but it’s another thing in a long list that can be used against Pitt in recruiting.

Maybe it's time to meet the real 99% of all other college students
How do you think this will fly in recruiting? You know other coaches are going to use this a selling point. If I am a coach going up against Pitt I would be selling we care about our players and will give you five years. We don’t cast you away after you use up your eligibility like Pitt.
They used up their eligibility AND graduated. Pitt explains it by telling people what the policy is: tell us you intend to take grad classes for another semester and we've got you covered.

I can tell you from experience that you dont get scholarship money from the athletic dept automatically. This exact thing happened to me over summer sessions, and I had another year left at the time. Tell them you intend to enroll in a given semester and you're fine. The only people that look bad (to anyone without an axe to grind) are the students who thought they could just show up and have everything covered. It's pretty stupid for parents to complain that they should have been told at the beginning of the year so they could get 6 month leases, when this could have been handled by them simply telling athletics they intended to stay another semester.
When I read the article it sounded like vuk and his crew were trying to make controversy where none really existed. But I didn't fully comprehend what the story was about
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Looks like Duzz and company have pissed in Vuks Cheerios. He was whining in his site how Duzz stole Devonshires thunder by teeeting that’s a rap before Devonshire announced on Vuks site. Seems like Vuk is passed he rained on his exclusive

Vuk in general has been negative towards not only Pitt FB but also Hoops as well. He occasionally has an jnterestkng article but most of the material on the site is a joke
How do you think this will fly in recruiting? You know other coaches are going to use this a selling point. If I am a coach going up against Pitt I would be selling we care about our players and will give you five years. We don’t cast you away after you use up your eligibility like Pitt.

That's a really bad angle to use if you're trying to sell 16 and 17 year olds on your program. They don't care about something so trivial. One of the first questions you're going to be asked is, "what can you do for me?". If your answer is, "I can give you 5 years", you're not going to get very far in recruiting. This is a non-issue being sensationalized for web traffic, nothing more.
When I read the article it sounded like vuk and his crew were trying to make controversy where none really existed. But I didn't fully comprehend what the story was about

Sort of thought the same about making controversy when none really existed. And as others have said welcome to the real world, etc...

But this is not about the 99.9 % of “regular students” it’s about doing what everyone else does for their “student athlete footballers”. Why shouldn’t Aston or Ollison etc be able to use the semester to get credits toward a 2nd degree when kids in the same position at Wake, Virginia, NC St etc can if they want. Ppl talk about how they want Pitt to play “dirty” to get recruits etc but Pitt won’t even extend the same basic benefits that most other schools provide. It’s not like anyone is asking Pitt do something illegal.
Looks like Duzz and company have pissed in Vuks Cheerios. He was whining in his site how Duzz stole Devonshires thunder by teeeting that’s a rap before Devonshire announced on Vuks site. Seems like Vuk is passed he rained on his exclusive

Vuk in general has been negative towards not only Pitt FB but also Hoops as well. He occasionally has an jnterestkng article but most of the material on the site is a joke
Did Vuk explain exactly why Duzz should worry about the announcement of a recruit who was going to declare for Kentucky. When Pitt got the sig from the linebacker his day was done and he tweeted that out. Vic can be a miserable dick sometimes.
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How do you think this will fly in recruiting? You know other coaches are going to use this a selling point. If I am a coach going up against Pitt I would be selling we care about our players and will give you five years. We don’t cast you away after you use up your eligibility like Pitt.

Huh? The schools who recruit well run kids off in droves before they ever get to being 5th year seniors.
Huh? The schools who recruit well run kids off in droves before they ever get to being 5th year seniors.
Yeah, to be honest, i'm more interested in the players who are so good they never make it to their 4th years, let alone more. Or alternately, those that aren't any good, have moved to IUP or CalU well before that.

On the long list of things Pitt does that impact recruiting, there are about 10 others to fix before such a niche thing as getting an extra boondoggle term funded.
How many of those fifth year players played through multiple injuries, underwent multiple surgeries and invested untold blood and sweat to the program? Pay them through the school year. It’s the right thing to do.
On the long list of things Pitt does that impact recruiting, there are about 10 others to fix before such a niche thing as getting an extra boondoggle term funded.

A few being.

1) Bags of cash
2) Hookers
3) Car for mom/dad
4) Fake classes
5) More liberal ganja policy
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Sort of thought the same about making controversy when none really existed. And as others have said welcome to the real world, etc...

But this is not about the 99.9 % of “regular students” it’s about doing what everyone else does for their “student athlete footballers”. Why shouldn’t Aston or Ollison etc be able to use the semester to get credits toward a 2nd degree when kids in the same position at Wake, Virginia, NC St etc can if they want. Ppl talk about how they want Pitt to play “dirty” to get recruits etc but Pitt won’t even extend the same basic benefits that most other schools provide. It’s not like anyone is asking Pitt do something illegal.

I get what you are saying and won't argue with you as I don't truly understand the issue but didn't lyke basically say pitt does honor the last semester, but the players have to request it?

Is this just an issue of kids wanting their rent paid even if they aren't going to pick up another degree?
I get what you are saying and won't argue with you as I don't truly understand the issue but didn't lyke basically say pitt does honor the last semester, but the players have to request it?

Is this just an issue of kids wanting their rent paid even if they aren't going to pick up another degree?
In a nutshell: Yes, hoping to get rent and board taken care of. And forgiven for not being responsible with paperwork.

Pitt wouldn't have been forgiving to any of us if we hadn't submitted room requests for dorms, or for financial aid, or missed registering for classes on time, etc.

I appreciate that's not insignificant money and that athletes are used to having things taken care of for them. I had a friend on the Pitt track team who would just mosey down to the book center any old time to pick up his free books for classes when it dawned on him that a midterm was imminent. He didn't have any trouble (they even had a special checkout line for the athletes). I suppose they get used to that kind of thing. Eventually, unless you are Aaron Donald, Lesean McCoy, Larry Fitz etc, those days come to an end eventually.

But they found a willing voice to argue on their behalf, squeaky wheels do get grease, I suppose Pitt might quietly help them. Because yeah, the athletes vibe is bad enough right now already.
On a similar vein, a few months ago on Nfl radio Ed McCaffery and an insurance agent were talking about insurance for seniors who stay in school versus declaring for the draft. Under some scenarios the NCAA permits the school to pay for it, BUT most schools don’t come out and offer to do so. It’s up to the player and his family to talk about it during recruitment and when the time comes when the player has the leave v stay decision

That said, the OP is correct in that it’s not a great look, and undoubtedly Narduzzi and staff will have to waste time debunking it, but that’s more the fault of a lousy blogger stirring crap. A blogger this board, BTW, used to hail as one of the “good guys”
To begin with, the article is poorly written and the author clearly doesn't know how to write in the English language too well. So that right there gives it very little credibility.

That being said, I doubt what he wrote is accurate and valid. At worst, these kids weren't paying attention and failed to take the necessary actions to get the money. So that's on them, not the school.

Much ado about nothing.
Sort of thought the same about making controversy when none really existed. And as others have said welcome to the real world, etc...

But this is not about the 99.9 % of “regular students” it’s about doing what everyone else does for their “student athlete footballers”. Why shouldn’t Aston or Ollison etc be able to use the semester to get credits toward a 2nd degree when kids in the same position at Wake, Virginia, NC St etc can if they want. Ppl talk about how they want Pitt to play “dirty” to get recruits etc but Pitt won’t even extend the same basic benefits that most other schools provide. It’s not like anyone is asking Pitt do something illegal.

They are extending the same benefits. If the request was put in like procedure dictates, they get the scholarship. Some didnt assuming theyd just get it and didnt.
I read the article and it seems they can still be covered by scholarship if they follow the proper procedure. Some didn't and now are outraged. If it was arbritary or they just stopped giving the scholarship then it's a bad look on Pitt. If the parents/students didn't follow procedure and now are mad, its' on them.
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WOW! $6000! BOO HOO! Screw them. Regular students, who are REAL students are in debt for 30 years, and these whiners complain about $6K?
Huh? The schools who recruit well run kids off in droves before they ever get to being 5th year seniors.

Ok so how well does that work for the schools not named Bama, LSU, Georgia, Texas, etc get the point. All of you need to realize Pitt has more in common with Sryacuse, Mich St, Purdue, Georgia Tech, ETC ETC and they do not run kids off in droves.
To begin with, the article is poorly written and the author clearly doesn't know how to write in the English language too well. So that right there gives it very little credibility.

That being said, I doubt what he wrote is accurate and valid. At worst, these kids weren't paying attention and failed to take the necessary actions to get the money. So that's on them, not the school.

Much ado about nothing.

Thank you for pointing that out.

I haven't really had a problem with Saunders but this article is dumb. Vuk's clown show is a mess.
On a similar vein, a few months ago on Nfl radio Ed McCaffery and an insurance agent were talking about insurance for seniors who stay in school versus declaring for the draft. Under some scenarios the NCAA permits the school to pay for it, BUT most schools don’t come out and offer to do so. It’s up to the player and his family to talk about it during recruitment and when the time comes when the player has the leave v stay decision

That said, the OP is correct in that it’s not a great look, and undoubtedly Narduzzi and staff will have to waste time debunking it, but that’s more the fault of a lousy blogger stirring crap. A blogger this board, BTW, used to hail as one of the “good guys”
Yes, it is more evidence that Pitt should pretty much consider any one even remotely associated as "media" to be a hostile witness. Maybe Paul Zeise as the lone exception. But if Elijah is one of these aggrieved seniors, maybe not anymore, lol.

No doubt things like this are happening at penn state, ohio state etc. Big bureaucracies have processes and inevitably some don't follow them and get snafu'ed. You'd just never read or hear of them, because the associated media pretty much toady and bend over for them.

Heck, think of how many around the PSU program clearly knew that Penn State coaches were raping or enabling the rapes of little boys, and kept silent, and still act as apologists for the school and cover up details to this day on it. That's a incredible extreme and there's a place in hell for those folks. When Ron Cook, Jerry Micco et al pass on, there's a perpetual fire pit waiting for their souls.

The Steelers failures are another timely example. Even the most strident steeler supporters can concede they've kind of butchered things administratively in recent years and squandered a significant amount of talent, esp the past season. There's obviously plenty of coverage, more so than warranted for a team that didn't even make the playoffs. But the media took the signal from the old man on Antonio Brown (they're gonna get rid of him). So now, 100% of the Steelers troubles are focused conveniently on the guy who will soon be gone. None on the flawed leadership that enabled him, and will stay in place.

This non event involving Brown and his baby momma a thousand miles away getting breathtaking coverage, as an example. It would have gotten ignored (or spun as the woman's fault, like with Roethlisberger, Bettis etc), as most Steelers transgressions are, if Rooney hadn't given The Word that AB is to be demonized.

For administrative snafus that give bad optics, being a shill to your subject and dutifully censoring or spinning it is good business, IF the entity is popular. Key qualification!

It's what I always say (irrefutably so), Pitt will always face this kind of hostility in coverage, in all degrees of university business, UNTIL it is a serious winner in one or both of the main sports. Because then there will be significant popularity that comes with it for Pitt, the kind that polio cures and transplant innovations and providing mass employment to the region can't seem to achieve. With mass sports popularity comes next to no tolerance for negativity; thus the media have to kiss its ass.

Suck at sports to your own peril, Pitt
...yeah, its called going to class and paying tuition.

The ACC is paying Pitt $20 million a year for 2 things, Football and Men's Basketball. All those other sports are window dressing, there would not be a network without football and Men's Basketbally, so don't tell me those other sports scholarships (and I am a huge wrestling fan) have the same value as those 2. So 85 football 12 basketball equals 97 scholarships that brings in $20 million. So that comes to $206,185 per scholarship player.

Yeah the regular student's (not even taking into account financial aid) tuition is defiantly equaling that? Sarcasm encase you didn't realize it.
The ACC is paying Pitt $20 million a year for 2 things, Football and Men's Basketball. All those other sports are window dressing, there would not be a network without football and Men's Basketbally, so don't tell me those other sports scholarships (and I am a huge wrestling fan) have the same value as those 2. So 85 football 12 basketball equals 97 scholarships that brings in $20 million. So that comes to $206,185 per scholarship player.

Yeah the regular student's (not even taking into account financial aid) tuition is defiantly equaling that? Sarcasm encase you didn't realize it.
As someone who paid their own way through 3 years of school, followed by two years under an athletic scholarship (prior to the stipends they get now), I have no sympathy for someone who can't secure an entire free semester of school by simply telling the athletic dept that they intend to come back to school. I work with a guy who played for Cincy under Brian Kelly, and another guy who played OL for an FCS school, and they agree. The value of a scholarship is insane to those who actually understand what they have.

And the amount of money brought in the the rest of the student body dwarfs the amount brought in by football and basketball. The total amount of tuition and research grant money brought into the school is way more than the tv contracts for athletics. Research money, which undergrad and grad student research are partially responsible for, totals in the hundreds of millions. Does every single student add a huge amount? No. But saying that the third string OLB who barely played brought in 206K is ridiculous. Some are worth more, some are worth less, which is why the "just pay them" argument is also too simplistic.

Furthermore, if you're going to praise these guys for the immense work they put in and how much value they have, how the hell could they not be held responsible enough to send a damn email? If I was in this situation, not only would I not be publicly complaining, I'd actually be embarrassed by my own failure. But then again, I was in school for school, not to play shootie hoops or kicky ball.
The ACC is paying Pitt $20 million a year for 2 things, Football and Men's Basketball. All those other sports are window dressing, there would not be a network without football and Men's Basketbally, so don't tell me those other sports scholarships (and I am a huge wrestling fan) have the same value as those 2. So 85 football 12 basketball equals 97 scholarships that brings in $20 million. So that comes to $206,185 per scholarship player.

Yeah the regular student's (not even taking into account financial aid) tuition is defiantly equaling that? Sarcasm encase you didn't realize it.
Regular students contribute more than that, take the number of regular students, multiply by tuition, housing and fees for all, it surely adds up to way more than that.
As someone who paid their own way through 3 years of school, followed by two years under an athletic scholarship (prior to the stipends they get now), I have no sympathy for someone who can't secure an entire free semester of school by simply telling the athletic dept that they intend to come back to school. I work with a guy who played for Cincy under Brian Kelly, and another guy who played OL for an FCS school, and they agree. The value of a scholarship is insane to those who actually understand what they have.

And the amount of money brought in the the rest of the student body dwarfs the amount brought in by football and basketball. The total amount of tuition and research grant money brought into the school is way more than the tv contracts for athletics. Research money, which undergrad and grad student research are partially responsible for, totals in the hundreds of millions. Does every single student add a huge amount? No. But saying that the third string OLB who barely played brought in 206K is ridiculous. Some are worth more, some are worth less, which is why the "just pay them" argument is also too simplistic.

Furthermore, if you're going to praise these guys for the immense work they put in and how much value they have, how the hell could they not be held responsible enough to send a damn email? If I was in this situation, not only would I not be publicly complaining, I'd actually be embarrassed by my own failure. But then again, I was in school for school, not to play shootie hoops or kicky ball.

I am not arguing the point that they need to take responsibility to send an email. They should and I agree to you I feel no sympathy that they failed to do so. My argument is the comparison to regular students, as Football and Men's Basketball players bring in money that far out paces that of a regular student. You paid 3 years for school, while I paid 4 years and I only got $1,000 off the ticket price due to a scholarship I won outside of the schools programs, not 1 dime came from the school and no other financial aid given.

Your research money argument is a good counter argument, but how many undergrads is that? I am seriously asking I do not know that number but I can't imagine it is a very high % of undergrads.
Regular students contribute more than that, take the number of regular students, multiply by tuition, housing and fees for all, it surely adds up to way more than that.

Obviously you fail to understand the per student argument I made. Regular students do not come close to $206,000 to making money like that for Pitt a year, hell that is a 4 year price. Football and Basketball players make that every single year.
Wait so in the past you graduated or werent enrolled to finish and pitt still paid for you for a other 6 months? Wtf??

I would find that heather changed this because other programs DONT do that and we became more like the jones's not the pioneers of a new thing. Heather is afr from dumb
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I am not arguing the point that they need to take responsibility to send an email. They should and I agree to you I feel no sympathy that they failed to do so. My argument is the comparison to regular students, as Football and Men's Basketball players bring in money that far out paces that of a regular student. You paid 3 years for school, while I paid 4 years and I only got $1,000 off the ticket price due to a scholarship I won outside of the schools programs, not 1 dime came from the school and no other financial aid given.

Your research money argument is a good counter argument, but how many undergrads is that? I am seriously asking I do not know that number but I can't imagine it is a very high % of undergrads.
Pitt is unique in terms of research for a public school. A huge amount of money (~400 million) is brought in by the medical school, which obviously isn't undergrad. Undergrad research for certain departments, though, is still much higher than a ton of other schools and brings in millions per year. Pitt has a higher participation rate for even undergrad research than the average P5 school. The hard numbers are not out there for total dollars and participation, but something like 400+ in the school of arts and sciences do research every year as undergrads, and it's probably a higher percentage in other areas like engineering. If you average it out to every student, it's probably lower than what the athletes bring in, but if you focus on just those participating and how much those grants are worth, it's likely quite a bit more.
Obviously you fail to understand the per student argument I made. Regular students do not come close to $206,000 to making money like that for Pitt a year, hell that is a 4 year price. Football and Basketball players make that every single year.
I'm not going by per student. And if you want to nitpick some football player who's a total bust, a 4 year scholarship, who never get's on the field is worth way less, maybe you can even count them as a negative.