Bob Shoop Reportedly Interviews At Tennessee, Panic Ensues, LINKS!


Dec 25, 2006
It is still hard to see Shoop leaving, in my opinion, but something has happen to change his mind as he now Interviews and is back home making a call if he is leaving Franklin and should give some Recruits some pause as well, knowing if not this year, maybe next year if a Head Coach job comes open? If he leaves and takes PSU's DL Coach with him, only harder to replace more at PSU.

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What the heck are you out looking for a job if you are not interested in leaving? He can’t put a gun to the heads of the BOT every year. He obviously does not like something about his current job! He is looking foolish at this point!
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What the heck are you out looking for a job if you are not interested in leaving? He can’t put a gun to the heads of the BOT every year. He obviously does not like something about his current job! He is looking foolish at this point!


Shoop is clearly the number one guy at two schools with a lot of money to throw around. He would be foolish to stand pat. This man is going to get paid while he can. Whether its orange or blue, just show him the money.
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The problem with Nitters is that they think PSU is a destination job for anyone the way it was for JoePoo. It's inconceivable to them that any coach could ever want to be anywhere but Cult Valley.
You've just identified typical Cult mentality. Cults can never believe that one of their "programmed members" would ever want to leave. Money appears to be the big de-programming mechanism. ;)