Breaking News - Sweet Caroline

May 28, 2017
Will now be moved to random flash mob


Brian Batko


Pitt just announced that "Sweet Caroline" will now be moved around to different points during games. This is not a joke, this is not a drill

8:17 AM - Aug 25, 2017
I think it is a good idea. Pitt fans are trained at this point to leave once Sweet Caroline is played. If the game is close with 7 mins to play and they play that song, then some people are going to be more inclined to stay until the end.
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Too bad. I liked being able to hit the concessions and/or the troughs unimpeded during that 3rd quarter/4th quarter transition while the rest were distracted by that goofy song. It's also funny to hear the genuinely astonished bewilderment of people as a skooch past em to get up the aisle, "you're going to miss THE SONG?" Then without the least bit of irony, are soon the ones skooching past ME to leave the game a few minutes later, even when the result is totally up for grabs. Astonishing, but whatever floats da boat...
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I think it would be best used at end of games. I worry pitt will try to time it up when they think victory is in hand and we know pitt never has victory in hand until 00 is on the clock.
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It's only a matter of time til the Pittsburgh WDVE crowd gets their wish with renegade playing on Saturday's and Sunday's.
I know some people won't like this, but bobbleheads, fireworks, "Renegade", pierogie races, 50/50 raffle, and wearing black and yellow uniforms would attract some Yinzer fans to the games. These are things that attract them to the game and winning might hold onto them.
I love it when people throw out suggestions to replace Sweet Caroline. I get it, it's corny, unoriginal, and doesn't make any sense frankly. But it's not realistic to think that we can simply replace it with another song and expect fan response to be the same. While not original to Pitt, Sweet Caroline grew organically... no one expected it to take off the way it did. Forcing another song onto the fan base would have about a 99% fail rate IMO (meaning 3/4 of the fan base would not be standing up and singing along).
I love it when people throw out suggestions to replace Sweet Caroline. I get it, it's corny, unoriginal, and doesn't make any sense frankly. But it's not realistic to think that we can simply replace it with another song and expect fan response to be the same. While not original to Pitt, Sweet Caroline grew organically... no one expected it to take off the way it did. Forcing another song onto the fan base would have about a 99% fail rate IMO (meaning 3/4 of the fan base would not be standing up and singing along).
Agreed - they could add another song that is traditionally played, but do not take Sweet Caroline away.
I know I am stating the obvious but keeping an item (the song) that is popular and a tradition (be it relatively new) with the students while removing it as a sign of the traditional time to leave is, at least, a solid attempt to encourage positive behavior, IMHO.
I know some people won't like this, but bobbleheads, fireworks, "Renegade", pierogie races, 50/50 raffle, and wearing black and yellow uniforms would attract some Yinzer fans to the games. These are things that attract them to the game and winning might hold onto them.

Pittsburgh sports "fans" are a strange lot. Many frequently leave games before they end for a boatload of favorite being, "to beat the traffic." I was stunned at a Pitt basketball game at the Pete several years ago when six people sitting behind me got up and left to beat the traffic in a nail-biter versus Syracuse. Why bother coming in the first place? Honestly, who cares whether people leave early? Hail to Pitt!
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I didn't hate it, but I'm not in love with it either. I'm there to watch a football game.
We'll see how this succeeds. I think Pitt should introduce other options in addition to SC. If one of them grows in popularity, eventually replace SC. You don't throw out the baby with the bath water and frankly why get rid of the one thing that actually generates enthusiasm with a large part of the stadium?
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We'll see how this succeeds. I think Pitt should introduce other options in addition to SC. If one of them grows in popularity, eventually replace SC. You don't throw out the baby with the bath water and frankly why get rid of the one thing that actually generates enthusiasm with a large part of the stadium?
personally I am in favor of the public address announcer calling out the lame fans that leave the game after a stupid song is played just to embarrass and make sport of them. Where is a Don "EIEIO" Ireland type guy when you need him...
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I thought the PS game last year was the perfect time to break that out again. It should only be used when we play them.
Actually, I feel the exact opposite. Treat them with the courtesy they do not deserve ( because why was it cut out in the first place to appease our dear friends from the middle of the state) then use it at all other times (thinking it would not bother the Ga Tech folks) for the uniqueness and corny factor...
SC wouldn't matter whether or when if it didn't signal a mass departure of student's for early bus rides back to campus before the game's outcome is decided.

Just don't run the buses back to Oakland until under 5 minutes to go in the 4th quarter. All students have free transportation with their ID card on public transportation anywhere in the city and can use that if they have a legit need to leave early.

But, it is said many students wont go to the game at all if they can't leave early. That argument doesn't hold water for me. If a student is so casual a fan that he/she won't wait to see the games outcome and cheer their team on in clutch situations in close games their presence or absence isn't worth much anyway.
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I guess I am in the minority on here but I like Sweet Caroline. I live in central pa-Ped territory. But anytime I am at the bar or in public I will hear a Pitt fan or two sing along when it is on. It is always well received during the games too. In fact, the participation rate from Pitt fans is overwhelming when they play it. I think that if the dumbasses didn't leave after it right away people wouldn't dislike it so much.
I guess I am in the minority on here but I like Sweet Caroline. I live in central pa-Ped territory. But anytime I am at the bar or in public I will hear a Pitt fan or two sing along when it is on. It is always well received during the games too. In fact, the participation rate from Pitt fans is overwhelming when they play it. I think that if the dumbasses didn't leave after it right away people wouldn't dislike it so much.
Again the student and the players want it to stick around and when they say change it will be changed not until. So you haters that can not get on board. Keep giving everyone else a chance to to punch us because of your wrong opinion. Having fun talking with the players today.
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It was such an awkward, forced, attempt at creating a tradition. Why anyone would actually miss it is beyond me
I don't care if they play it or not, or when. As I mentioned, I'm not a fan of the song so I took advantage to grab a drink (or get rid of one).

But it was cynically contrived to try to artificially create a "tradition". That never works. It wasn't a song unique to Pitt, it's not about anything related to Pitt or Pittsburgh, nor is the artist. If trying to generate an association with a song, something related to us in some way (and not so cliched as SC has become ... I overheard it in the background during the freaking Pirates game the other night on TV when I tuned in to laugh at them being no-hit... and know the Peds play it... appropriate because it's apparently about an underage girl).

Calling for a local connection will undoubtedly trigger some Donnie Iris slur. So be it. He is at least local and somewhat iconic. But something that skews a little younger/ more respected probably is a better idea too. Wiz, Mac Miller, Joe Grushecky (who frequently collaborates with Springsteen) etc.
Good compromise. Since the overwhelming majority participate and like it (including the students), there is no sense in dumping it.

I'm indifferent to the song, but I must admit that it's pretty been awesome and surprising to hear "Let's Go Pitt" chants from random strangers almost every time the song plays, no matter the venue or location... I've heard "Let's go Pitt" (more than "Let's go Sox") in that song as far away as Florida, Georgia, and even Punta Cana.
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