Capel - Great Read

Capel's a genuinely good guy, and I really hope he can put it together here. One thing I took away after reading that story is there is no way he's firing his brother. He will be fired before he gets rid of his brother. So anyone hoping he gets rid of Jason might as well quit thinking about it. No chance.
Capel's a genuinely good guy, and I really hope he can put it together here. One thing I took away after reading that story is there is no way he's firing his brother. He will be fired before he gets rid of his brother. So anyone hoping he gets rid of Jason might as well quit thinking about it. No chance.
I agree the only way Jason leaves is if he feels that it’s in his brothers best interest . The tight family loyalty is real and just might be the ticket that eventually pays off in the living room while recruiting.

I’ve said this before , but JC is the kind of coach / person I’d want my son to play for if he was a D1 bb player .