
Atlanta Panther

Gold Member
Jul 4, 2001
Madison, GA
I have been following your analysis of the JoePa stuff for quite a while and you seem to have the most insight. Given all the back and forth on the status of the 3 Stooges in a thread below, can you give us what you believe to be the current status of their case, especially since it seems to have been delayed forever due to the various court decisions and appeals? Also interested in what you project may happen.

The reason I am so interested is that this court case might be the last official instance where additional information might come to light as to what actually happened up there in Crazy Valley.

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Not Captain here, but it's looks like the defendants are in a world of hurt. Why? I'm basing it on McQueary's testimony in his civil suit. It is apparent that the Judge and Jury found him to be a compelling and very credible witness. That's the whole beginning of the end for the defense.
If I'm the defense, I'm thinking of ways to limit his testimony, get him off the stand as quick as I can and look for opportunities to bargain a plea.
Sorry, didn't intend to steal Captains thunder.
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I have been following your analysis of the JoePa stuff for quite a while and you seem to have the most insight. Given all the back and forth on the status of the 3 Stooges in a thread below, can you give us what you believe to be the current status of their case, especially since it seems to have been delayed forever due to the various court decisions and appeals? Also interested in what you project may happen. The reason I am so interested is that this court case might be the last official instance where additional information might come to light as to what actually happened up there in Crazy Valley. Thanks!

I stated from the beginning Pennsylvania Law allows Interlocutory Appeals and can delay Children Abuse Cases for years as they are allow to Motion many Appeals Decisions before Trial. One cases lasted 13 years and dismissed.

The PSU Three have great Attorneys and one was smart to sue Louie Freeh in a Tort civil action to gather evidence, it caused more delays, and is one smart Lawyer.

In addition, Judges were brought down by a sloppy long Investigation by PAOAG that did not even look into The Second Mile or others like DPW, School District, and some say politically motive by Corbett not wanting this happen until after his Election to Governor. The Proof there is they never used The Child Predator unit when they had the first complaint on Sandusky. Louie Freeh had to collect the proper evidence by chance when he investigate don happen by being in the Trustee's employ. Freeh showed the PAOAG Own Grand jury Presentments was full of errors even by the year being wrong, and it was illegally leaked and no one ever was investigated for it either?

Add in Joe dying, and Sandusky Trial was rammed through with his own Counsel overwhelm by PAOAG Boxes of Evidence no one could read in weeks, even I feel he deserves another Trial?

Add in not 1 o2 Civil Lawsuits but Multiple Lawsuits and some resolved by now, but a number to, plus Criminal Trials. along with taking 20 Judges that refused to hear the case and the one that did died of brain cancer last year, on Top of PAOAG Porn Email to judges, with resignation, and AG Kane arrest, conviction, and removal on top of some sealed and unsealed Documents I am not allow to read, I can just say allow the courts, Defense attorneys, Prosecutors with New AG, New Supreme Court, New Appeal Attorneys, and New PSU Trustees joining old ones, New President and New Judges do their jobs. I said years ago, i can wait for Criminal Trials, Civil Lawsuits, Constitutional Appeal Issues be resolved in Courts, Discovery, Pleas, Settlements or Summary Judgments or Dismissals. Not a Cop Out but we are dealing with scandal that beyond 30 years of Statue of Limitation, over a 14 period and going on its 7th year since the Grand Jury Presentment and Arrests and Appeals just being heard last year with no ruling yet? Plus New Judges appointed???? AG Kane did great damage to the Commonwealth's Obstruction of Justice Case by not Appealing those Opinions. Obstruction was part of the heart of the case.

On Joe Paterno in particular I have my own Narrative, Joe and Tarman were told in 1970s and 1980s but did not believe it and Sandusky was great Nittany Liar, as his own son is on record under oath.

However, as time went by somewhere and some how maybe old age and cancer blurred even Paterno;'s Judgment and he was out of date, out of compliance, and out of control with no one able to stop him from a Penn State Institutional point. Joe got very sick in 2005 and 2006 too, not just from cancer in 2009. He was starting suffer from Vascular Dementia at times too. Add in some Older Trustees were in Business with him too? The Freeh Report, Clery Act Separate Independent Report, and Penn State's Policies Own 2012 Athletic Integrity and Ethical Reforms corroborate my naivete with exact non-refutable evidence. Until I can read the Unsealed Documents not redacted that may soon come out. i am sticking with my narrative because I don't believe Joe would have covered up Child Abuse in just knowing him briefly a few times. It is a big difference in being told something then believing it too? At some other point, late in 2011 and being sick Joe was confused and only concentrated on 409 that his other coaches were really coaching not him as much at all. when I read the Unsealed Documents I may change my mind as well?

It was Spanier in my readings and view that prevent many investigations and refused to cooperate with Trustees, and brought back Gerry and honored him keeping him around. Spanier as PSU president was in charge an accountable for all PSU NCAA, Clery Act and title IX compliance as required y Rules, Regulations, and Laws. Still, Spanier can comeback and say some Trustees in business with Joe stopped him from removing Joe in 2004.

I am not sorry I an tell you how it all end up, because i believe deeply in Individuals Rights, Right to Competent Counsel, and Lawyers Duty bound to defend Clients even in Guilty too, and leave that up to Judges, Juries, and Prosecutors that are also covered by Disciplinary Rules.

In summary, I did always say, the Clery Act Investigation will uncover the majority of the Freeh Report Truths and it did, and Highest Fines in Athletic Educational history were paid as I predicted as well.

This differs in showing Criminal Culpability elsewhere by the Penn State Three Defendants is another matter in the Freeh Report and on that part, I am with them to have a Best Right Counsel they can have to defend them as the American Way.

Yet, one thing has proven certain without any doubt and has withstood Court Challenges, this was a Case of First Impression (First New Time Case) to the NCAA and they gave Sanctions based on other Investigations not there own, but they did stand for 2 Years, and Penn State was under a NCAA Monitor for 3 years, plus probation, and has put in Athletic Integrity reforms that include many Policies that will prevent any coach again to rise above the university with Institutional Control. The Clery act Investigations and Violations proved it is true too.

Finally, Penn State in 2012 did put in Top Model of Athletic Integrity Reforms, University Policies, and will also have to wait to see what happens to the Charged Defendants, Civil Lawsuits, and their own Civil Lawsuits in the current Courts. The Football Program is in Athletic Integrity Compliance.
Not Captain here, but it's looks like the defendants are in a world of hurt. Why? I'm basing it on McQueary's testimony in his civil suit. It is apparent that the Judge and Jury found him to be a compelling and very credible witness. That's the whole beginning of the end for the defense.
If I'm the defense, I'm thinking of ways to limit his testimony, get him off the stand as quick as I can and look for opportunities to bargain a plea.
Sorry, didn't intend to steal Captains thunder.
I have no Thunder, just an opinion, based on all I read too, and like a Juror still have not been given all the evidence until Trial is over, but you make a great point.

I gave up long ago trying to convict anyone until i see the trial and all evidence permissible and allowable by Judges.

However, on the Court of Public Opinion, Penn State's Name has been Shamed, and all connected to to it, have been found Guilty in what I hear, read, and see nationally and globally and Joe died before he could explain but few outside of Pennsylvania hold his name in fame anymore. The Three can have charges dismissed but few will believe they were not part of a cover up. The Clery Act fines shows where Athletic Integrity was being covered up and that has been proven and accepted by Penn State.

As well as, ignored in silence by all Fans that try and think otherwise and run away when confronted?

We shall see?
It is a big difference in being told something then believing it too?

Truer words have never been spoken Captain. I never cared for Joe Paterno. I didn't care for his holier than thou approach when in my opinion, his program operated pretty much the same as everyone else did. However, if he knew beyond a shadow of doubt that Sandusky was a child predator, I find it hard to believe he would just brush that under the rug.
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"TD_6082, post: 1754708, member: 510"]Truer words have never been spoken Captain. I never cared for Joe Paterno.
I hated him once, until I met him, and I cannot dismiss his abilities to coach up his Players into Great Teams, knew how to schedule when to play tougher Teams, and just won too many games that were not all questionable by Refs Calls. Joe had edge about him, but he was solid as a Teacher, Father, Coach, and Husband. I got to sit with him in Luxury Box in Summer at an Altoona game and just alone because the person that own it let him do that at times. He was the most quiet, observable, and opinionated person that night and not putting on any displays. I stayed more quiet and did not ask him all I wanted to know, he did not want to talk shop, He wanted to talk Baseball and other things. I even left early to give him more solitude. he sent a nice thank you Note to the Box Owner and praise my manners and deference to him very much appreciated.

I didn't care for his holier than thou approach when in my opinion, his program operated pretty much the same as everyone else did.
He told me his Father taught him to be competitor and grab every edge one can, and he did not apologize for how taught his teams. How he ran his Program was another thing and he was the Best CEO in Coaching I ever saw and why I see some of it in Narduzzi far more than in Holgrosen or Franklin. Joe could win Games without being there. JVP was blessed with a Stable Long Term Staff that did not leave him and were seldom candidates for other Top Jobs. Joe was not above insisting on if you wanted to play Penn State it was when he wanted or he won't play you, he assign Refs too, this is when Independents set their Games and Refs and there was no Conference.

If Joe had 2 Weeks to prepare he was tough to beat and took Bowl Games seriously. All Great Coaches & Leaders have some flaws and hypocrisy to give them an edge and he played the smartest Players not always the most Talented. I mention him I noticed Players that were Starters always made the Honor Roll or had a GPA over 3.0. This is when he told me personally, that most College Games are won by 4 to 6 Plays and 2 to 3 Players that were Smart, Leaders, and Teachers by his Units especially on Defense. I also mention I notice he seldom had a Top QB. He said he preferred to build a solid Team Offense dependent on one another executions not a Primal Donna. Wins as Team more important not a lucky play here or there by 1 or 2 players. Wearing down the other team did that by the 4th Quarter!

However, if he knew beyond a shadow of doubt that Sandusky was a child predator, I find it hard to believe he would just brush that under the rug.
I read everything I could and talked to many Lawyers and some thought my narrative made more sense and Joe might have been told, but did not believe it due to social mores of those times. Men did not Discuss such things. Also, when someone is accursed of that and it comes from Troubled Kids being helped, Joe had no time for it. It was unimportant and many children are not believed even the good ones. However, some Lawyers did say, I was right and spot on, but only at some point in time.

By 2008 to 2011 Investigations and Grand Juries were going on and Joe kept inviting Investigators to Dinner thinking again, it might be some Wayward Kids making things up, but at some point Joe decided it was up to others to do something and later said he should have done more. Yet, he was sick in 2005-06 with Broken Leg, and C-Diff and was already had Cancer by 2009 and 2010 and 2011. Again, he was not paying attention to the Program as he should have been and not Obeying Laws, Clery Act, and clashing with Judicial Affairs and PSU cared about making money more than disciplining the Players as Students and that was Spanier allowing Joe to get away with it, but Trustees were in Business with Joe that had some Conflicts of Interests.

i have to be fair, and nothing of this had anything to do with Joe's Coaching in 1960s, 70s, and 80s, he had some issues I on those years, Big Four Agreement violations on Redshirts, Ref Selections, and Scheduling, but it was up to Pitt, WVU, and Cuse to establish there Programs too like Joe was doing.

I am with you, Joe was told, but did not believe it until maybe 1998 and told Gerry to retire sooner, and he did, but Spanier kept Gerry around. Many PSU Players told me how Gerry taught them to play dirty at times too. Gerry was abused as a child and was a Joker but Top Graduate in his Major at PSU and manipulator and damn good coach too. And deserves a fair trial by a well prepared Lawyer. But Gerry was a Monster that lied to many not just Joe too.

i get blasted on BWI for speaking the truth and backing it up with sources and links to verify and at the same time I understand why some Lair Posters get upset when I have to be just as fair and honest about Penn State and Paterno as well. But I respect the Lair Posters views and do not fear if they differ, until i see otherwise, Joe was not a Saint either he said that often, but I think Joe cried before he died knowing his reputation and legacy were ruined by Gerry Sandusky and not doing more when first suspected Gerry needed to go, but how does one ever know when to take action when Police and DA dismissed the investigation in 1998?

Penn State University President was responsible for NCAA Institutional Control over Coaches, Clery Act Compliance's, and Title IX Regulations and Paterno did not permit Spanier over him on certain issues and that was on PSU Trustees allowing that to happen.

Like Jackie Sherrill said, Joe won't know when to retire, and Jackie was a Victim of Joe's Competitive Edge Hypocrisy but friends to day withe the Paterno's. Good enough for me. Still, OSU's Woody did not know when to go an got fired, Indiana's Bobby Knight too, OU's Barry Switzer, and Baylor's Art Briles too. It happens when Universities allow too much Power due to Wins & Alumni demanding don't touch the Coach.

This is why I praise PSU today for the 2012 Athletic Integrity Reforms and doing what was needed to be done and hated by the Alumni & Fans for doing it, but it needed done.

I separate Joe's Coaching from when he knew for sure that is as far as I go for now until something more and substantial comes out, and so far nothing more to date?
CSR, your detail, resources, info., etc. are unrivaled from all that I have read. You have a good understanding of all the intricate details involved in our law system & how they are to be explored & used to get to the truth.
While I do not dismiss that JoePa was the best coach when given time to prepare for a none. I hate to admit it but he has results. The man also had the luxury of having put together the most loyal & devoted staff in the history of college football. I don't know if that is because of Joe's personality, the way St Penn paid, etc. but it does color Joe in a good light for keeping them together which is invaluable to any sports success.
You mention that you did not believe JoePa would knowingly proceed to ignore this issue had he thought it was true, that men did not discuss such things at the time, that troubled kids may not to be believed, etc. You mention the illness's that JoePa experienced that could have altered his decision making, etc.
My only question is at what point does any person get held accountable when told of such heinous acts in which they do next to nothing can be held somewhat accountable.
And at what point does a person conveniently choose to dismiss terrible info. for their own benefit or because it makes them uncomfortable or inconvenienced in order to perform their more pressing duties....those kid's where being brutalized & ignored at every turn even while some were bravely coming forward to tell the uncomfortable truths of abuse to them at great pain.
CRS, do you really think that your brief afternoon, evening, whatever w/ JoePa gave you enough insight into this man that you believe he was one of the lesser guilty people in all of this based on all of us knowing how much power & influence he had over that institution despite his title. Let's face it HC of football at St Penn made JoePa the Dictator of State College, St Penn Univ., etc.
CSR, I only bring this up because of how much I respect your opinion & that it scares me if another attorney w/ your intelligence & powers of persuasion could buffalo a jury because you almost convinced me that JoePa was a better man than he really my opinion.
All I'm trying to get at is JoePa was judge, jury & executioner for the better part of his HC tenure at St Penn where his football team was concerned & let's face it that was just about at every turn the university made in same form or fashion. So if JoePa decides to dismiss, ignore, not believe so called rumors, stories, confessions, etc...well then who can do something about it...With power comes great responsibility & JoePa had all the power. Those kid's were brave enough to speak out way back when did so on deaf ear's.

H2 PITT !!!

H2 PITT !!!
Truer words have never been spoken Captain. I never cared for Joe Paterno. I didn't care for his holier than thou approach when in my opinion, his program operated pretty much the same as everyone else did. However, if he knew beyond a shadow of doubt that Sandusky was a child predator, I find it hard to believe he would just brush that under the rug.
There is a concept known as blissful ignorance.
That is how I view the dead former coach of Penn State.
Blissful ignorance is the polar opposite of honor.
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Truer words have never been spoken Captain. I never cared for Joe Paterno. I didn't care for his holier than thou approach when in my opinion, his program operated pretty much the same as everyone else did. However, if he knew beyond a shadow of doubt that Sandusky was a child predator, I find it hard to believe he would just brush that under the rug.

TD, I think we all can agree that he knew something about at least the 1998 incident. And obviously he knew when McQueary told him. What else is obviously subjective? So I am not going to speculate.

Did Joe know he was a serial pedophilic rapist? Maybe not. But I also think he didn't care to know. He just preferred that Jerry go away and this stuff doesn't burden him or his program. I don't think that is hard to believe that he had that take on the whole thing. So that doesn't make JoePa innocent.
TD, I think we all can agree that he knew something about at least the 1998 incident. And obviously he knew when McQueary told him. What else is obviously subjective? So I am not going to speculate.

Did Joe know he was a serial pedophilic rapist? Maybe not. But I also think he didn't care to know. He just preferred that Jerry go away and this stuff doesn't burden him or his program. I don't think that is hard to believe that he had that take on the whole thing. So that doesn't make JoePa innocent.

I don't know if he really believed McQueary. It would seem a little suspecious. A young guy barely out of college on staff telling you that he saw all this stuff and didn't get involved to stop it and didn't go to the police or anything. Very strange.
CSR, your detail, resources, info., etc. are unrivaled from all that I have read. You have a good understanding of all the intricate details involved in our law system & how they are to be explored & used to get to the truth.
While I do not dismiss that JoePa was the best coach when given time to prepare for a none. I hate to admit it but he has results. The man also had the luxury of having put together the most loyal & devoted staff in the history of college football. I don't know if that is because of Joe's personality, the way St Penn paid, etc. but it does color Joe in a good light for keeping them together which is invaluable to any sports success.
You mention that you did not believe JoePa would knowingly proceed to ignore this issue had he thought it was true, that men did not discuss such things at the time, that troubled kids may not to be believed, etc. You mention the illness's that JoePa experienced that could have altered his decision making, etc.
My only question is at what point does any person get held accountable when told of such heinous acts in which they do next to nothing can be held somewhat accountable.
And at what point does a person conveniently choose to dismiss terrible info. for their own benefit or because it makes them uncomfortable or inconvenienced in order to perform their more pressing duties....those kid's where being brutalized & ignored at every turn even while some were bravely coming forward to tell the uncomfortable truths of abuse to them at great pain.
CRS, do you really think that your brief afternoon, evening, whatever w/ JoePa gave you enough insight into this man that you believe he was one of the lesser guilty people in all of this based on all of us knowing how much power & influence he had over that institution despite his title. Let's face it HC of football at St Penn made JoePa the Dictator of State College, St Penn Univ., etc.
CSR, I only bring this up because of how much I respect your opinion & that it scares me if another attorney w/ your intelligence & powers of persuasion could buffalo a jury because you almost convinced me that JoePa was a better man than he really my opinion.
All I'm trying to get at is JoePa was judge, jury & executioner for the better part of his HC tenure at St Penn where his football team was concerned & let's face it that was just about at every turn the university made in same form or fashion. So if JoePa decides to dismiss, ignore, not believe so called rumors, stories, confessions, etc...well then who can do something about it...With power comes great responsibility & JoePa had all the power. Those kid's were brave enough to speak out way back when did so on deaf ear's.

H2 PITT !!!

H2 PITT !!!
Ksquared, I think it is pretty clear that Joe knew when he removed Jerry from the staff in the late 80's I believe. He may have known sooner, but he realized he could no longer have him on staff. Jerry then became a sideshow that Joe Pa swept under the rug, until it finally came back to haunt him much later.

I am surprised to hear the Captain defend Joe based on all that is now known.

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