Case goes to the Jury....Guilty or Not

The ticklemonster is in prison, McCreary is on easy street probably deciding who to lose $10,000 on tonight, Paterno is rotting in hell and the 3 people above them in title will more than likely get off with nothing more than a slap on the wrist.

Lives were ruined all for the good of a football program which has survived it's standing in the corner and all is well in happy valley.

In a month there will be a spring football game and for the cult this will be all behind them which is sad and sickening. It will be business as usual while nothing in the past matters.

Spanier should rot as well as Curley and Schultz but I would be shocked if he is guilty. Curley will probably get house arrest and Schultz probably won't get anything that bad. I can always hope for justice but I expect them to get a slap on the wrist, just like the football program did.
Betting on guilty (with the hedge that I don't know what jury instructions were given).
I think the email with Spanier's approval on a plan, is a killer on the conspiracy and reporting charges. Christ! He acknowledges in the email what could go wrong if they didn't report!
Also, his phD is in family therapy for crissakes!
Juries like to be able to point to the smoking gun. The email gives it to them.
Guilty and everyone just says it was a jury that emotionally came to that conclusion. But if he's innocent it will be looked at as stone cold truth. Either way nothing drastic will come of it outside of a possible sever punishment for the individuals. The fate of this trial will most likely in no way change anyone in the public's opinion though.
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According to BWI, guilty is expected because the whole process is corrupt and so is the state and so is the media and so on.

Of course not guilty is full vindication and put the statue back up.

Funny thing is, I think we feel they will get a Not Guilty for the same reasons.

Only the cult will spin this if a not guilty. The rest of the country sees that all 4 knew and did nothing. That is the truth. Everyone knows this.
If he is found guilty what are you going to do? Lock him up and throw away the key? The cult will find the key ( tribute to George )
He will likely be found not guilty, even though it is blatantly obvious that he and the other two dolts knew exactly what they were attempting to conceal and hoping would go away. The jury will believe that someone who rose to his position is somehow stupid enough not to realize the actions witnessed were sexual.
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what did you want the state to do. Close the school, destroy the economy, ruin people's lives that didn't have anything to do with it. The system is working out. Sandusky in jail, Curley and Schultz admitted guilt, spanier will be judged. Paterno was judged by a higher power. It's all working out. Shut everything down , cmon be sensible. There are a lot of psu crazies just like pitt crazies that could never believe their school would hire a man that beat the shit out of his wife, haywood.
There are a lot of psu crazies just like pitt crazies that could never believe their school would hire a man that beat the shit out of his wife, haywood........yeah, unlike old Jerry running around campus with young boys AFTER several instances of his abuse coming to light to the very highest levels and running an organization loaded with young boys, PItt had no prior knowledge of what Haywood was all about...and as 9 pointed out you make an absurd moral relativism comparison between one school doing the right thing and another school not (gee, leading to several more kids being raped as it turned out)....geez, you guys are knuckleads, now try again.
According to BWI, guilty is expected because the whole process is corrupt and so is the state and so is the media and so on.

Of course not guilty is full vindication and put the statue back up.

And everywhere else innocent is expected because the whole process is corrupt and so is the state!!
Child like response

There both ass holes and so is spanier curly and Schultz, if they didn't do what they should have.

Pitt did the right thing but don't act all innocent.

I'm sure they'll all rot.
Child like response

There both ass holes and so is spanier curly and Schultz, if they didn't do what they should have.

Pitt did the right thing but don't act all innocent.

I'm sure they'll all rot.
Pitt did the right thing but don't act all innocent....If PItt did the "right thing", how should they/we act? Guilty? Of what? hahahahah....
Child like response

There both ass holes and so is spanier curly and Schultz, if they didn't do what they should have.

Pitt did the right thing but don't act all innocent.

I'm sure they'll all rot.
That doesn't make any sense. The absolute highest levels of Penn State University systematically covered up the acts of a serial rapist and (LITERALLY) gave him keys to the facilities to continue to rape kids for YEARS (and that is true whether you count 1976, 1998, 2001, etc. as the start) after they knew he was doing it. There is absolutely, positively ZERO doubt PSU's leaders are guilty of not reporting and not stopping a serial child rapist. It isn't a debate. He still had access at PSU WHILE the ultimate investigation and subpoenaing was occurring.

Pitt fired Haywood immediately after he was charged, despite the litigation for wrongful termination that followed. What was Pitt guilty of?
Pitt did do the right thing in FIRING haywood! The3 guy attacked another human.
He needed to be fired!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It isn't like it was just a child getting raped or anything!!!!
In Criminal court, the pesumption is innocent until proven guilty. A jury therefore decides on guilt. If not guilty, the presumption rules. There is not technically a finding of innocence needed.
When the jury is instructed in a criminal case they are specifically told that they cannot presume guilt because the defendant did not testify.
In civil cases, the burden shifts based on a preponderance. And critically, not testifying in a civil case results in the jury being told that they can presume that a defendant who does not testify would have given tesyimnoy contrary to their position.
That's why OJ took the stand in his civil trial but kept his mouth shut in the criminal trial.