College vs Football Sometimes, and more frequently, college is losing

I wouldn’t be surprised if the PA State System shuts down a few of its schools before the end of the decade.
Men aren’t going to college now. What trade schools probably need to attract them are opportunities for athletics.
To be honest, I am for less colleges in favor of more trade schools.
In some ways, that was how these branch campuses operated. Many of the students were there for two years and then went out into the community to work. These were mostly in the capacity of front office business staff but also technology. The local business community did a good job in investing in the campuses. Of course, there isn't a vibrant business community in many of the areas anymore.

The real issue here is that PSU tried to treat these schools as full blown universities to compete with the commonwealth schools instead of focusing on their real mission, which was to provide higher education to underserviced areas of the state. In the end, the bigger campuses remain the most viable because they tend to attract a lot of out-of-state students who can't get into the main campus or who play sports. They pay a premium for tuition.

I would love to see some entity step up and offer to turn these campuses into community colleges.
Good riddance. They screwed over community colleges and especially the smaller state colleges with their unneeded branch campus expansion program, and now they are screwing over the branch campus dummies and local communities they duped into attending/supporting their marketing program masquerading as low quality colleges with how they're handling this. I wouldn't expect anything different from PSU.
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