Completely OT: When did people stop honking their car horns after a wedding?


Board of Trustee
Gold Member
Mar 16, 2004
I remember growing up the bride/grooms car was decorated and people drove behind honking their horns. I ask because we are sitting outside watching the Bucco's and Steeler's and someone was driving by honking their horn. Mr. Pitt-girl looked at me like I had 10 heads when I brought this up. Guess it wasn't a tradition in Chi-town.
I remember growing up the bride/grooms car was decorated and people drove behind honking their horns. I ask because we are sitting outside watching the Bucco's and Steeler's and someone was driving by honking their horn. Mr. Pitt-girl looked at me like I had 10 heads when I brought this up. Guess it wasn't a tradition in Chi-town.
They were honing their horns because they thought they heard Nuttting sold the Pirates. Happy days!
I remember growing up the bride/grooms car was decorated and people drove behind honking their horns. I ask because we are sitting outside watching the Bucco's and Steeler's and someone was driving by honking their horn. Mr. Pitt-girl looked at me like I had 10 heads when I brought this up. Guess it wasn't a tradition in Chi-town.
Nowadays the entire wedding party gets on a party bus and drinks their asses off while everyone waits an extra hour at the reception.
I remember growing up the bride/grooms car was decorated and people drove behind honking their horns. I ask because we are sitting outside watching the Bucco's and Steeler's and someone was driving by honking their horn. Mr. Pitt-girl looked at me like I had 10 heads when I brought this up. Guess it wasn't a tradition in Chi-town.
In Johnstown we did that for funerals...tougher place I guess.... but yeah I do remember this (little pompoms stuck on the cars and streamers and such) and have thought the same thing at times...I also remember heading up to the bar at receptions in 9th or 10th grade and grabbing (and drinking) pony bottles of beer in numbers that were easily in the double digits and no one gave it a second thought. Good times....
Probably around the same time they quit pulling over for funeral processions. People's respect for others dwindles more and more with each generation.
I remember growing up the bride/grooms car was decorated and people drove behind honking their horns. I ask because we are sitting outside watching the Bucco's and Steeler's and someone was driving by honking their horn. Mr. Pitt-girl looked at me like I had 10 heads when I brought this up. Guess it wasn't a tradition in Chi-town.
People stopped doing that?? Not me. Though most weddings now are "destination" type......and its hard to honk a horn while ziplining to the reception. I just yell "I know a lawyer" and look for the cookie table.
They were honing their horns because they thought they heard Nuttting sold the Pirates. Happy days!
I'd guess you only like weddings where everyone gets tea sammiches served on little silver plates, with a noted-designer cake, live swans sh*tting on the dance floor and a chamber music group belting Chopin or Lerner & Lowe.
Big $$$ spent, no fun. Nutting is too smart for that.
People stopped doing that?? Not me. Though most weddings now are "destination" type......and its hard to honk a horn while ziplining to the reception. I just yell "I know a lawyer" and look for the cookie table.
Probably around the same time they quit pulling over for funeral processions. People's respect for others dwindles more and more with each generation.
I actually saw a cop pull over someone who tried to break into a funeral procession on the Parkway best a couple of weeks ago. It raised my eyebrows.
Weird thread. People in Johnstown honk their horns when a funeral procession goes by? That comes off as disrespectful. I agree with the other poster, people don't respect the funeral procession anymore. Not too long ago, you'd wait til it drove by. Now, I see cars breaking into this, not waiting for it to pass. I once did this, BY ACCIDENT, and I found myself smack dab in the middle of a funeral procession. Was horrified..

When I see a groom and bride walking out of the church or getting their pics, I like to scream out the window, DONT DO IT, SHE IS PREGNANT WITH MY BABY!! and drive away real fast. Anyone else do that?
I actually saw a cop pull over someone who tried to break into a funeral procession on the Parkway best a couple of weeks ago. It raised my eyebrows.

During the funeral procession for my brother-in-law a couple years ago, a motorcycle cop who was driving ahead to block an intersection was hurt when a car tried to speed by him to cut in. He ended up being okay, but had to spend a day or two in the hospital.
I actually saw a cop pull over someone who tried to break into a funeral procession on the Parkway best a couple of weeks ago. It raised my eyebrows.
Good, they should. Everyone is in a rush nowadays. Slow down people, life is too short.. Except me in the mornings of course, I am late and need to get to work so get the hell out of my way.

What struck me as odd was how in the movies, the newlyweds go straight to their honeymoon after the church and everyone wishes them off. Has this ever really happened? I mean, there is no reception in this Hollywood scenario. Are receptions a relatively new custom? Why does Hollywood show this lie? Has a bride ever gone on their honeymoon in their dress? do they change in the limo?
My dad got a ticket for beeping his horn driving away from the church on my parents' wedding day. 1950 I think. It was for disturbing the peace or wreckless driving or something like that.
Weird thread. People in Johnstown honk their horns when a funeral procession goes by? That comes off as disrespectful. I agree with the other poster, people don't respect the funeral procession anymore. Not too long ago, you'd wait til it drove by. Now, I see cars breaking into this, not waiting for it to pass. I once did this, BY ACCIDENT, and I found myself smack dab in the middle of a funeral procession. Was horrified..

When I see a groom and bride walking out of the church or getting their pics, I like to scream out the window, DONT DO IT, SHE IS PREGNANT WITH MY BABY!! and drive away real fast. Anyone else do that?

Think I might have been kidding?....and besides who the hell has a funeral where bystanders honk? That would indeed be disrespectful. It is the procession cars that doe the honking...geez, Its like you have never been to a funeral before....
Think I might have been kidding?....and besides who the hell has a funeral where bystanders honk? That would indeed be disrespectful. It is the procession cars that doe the honking...geez, Its like you have never been to a funeral before....
funeral procession cars laying on the horns? I don't know if it's sarcasm or it's Johnstown or what the hell is going on. Just as long as we can get back to throwing rice, that's all I care about. Whocares about pigeons stomach's exploding, bring back the rice..
Weird thread. People in Johnstown honk their horns when a funeral procession goes by? That comes off as disrespectful. I agree with the other poster, people don't respect the funeral procession anymore. Not too long ago, you'd wait til it drove by. Now, I see cars breaking into this, not waiting for it to pass. I once did this, BY ACCIDENT, and I found myself smack dab in the middle of a funeral procession. Was horrified..

Did you at least attend the funeral after making this mistake?