Comps w/ Wisky, MSU


Jun 28, 2001
How does our current class stack up to a "typical" Michigan State or Wisconsin class in terms of talent and stars? Those two programs seem to do a lot with undervalued talent.
How does our current class stack up to a "typical" Michigan State or Wisconsin class in terms of talent and stars? Those two programs seem to do a lot with undervalued talent.

Are Pitt coaches as good evolving undervalued talent?
Are Pitt coaches as good evolving undervalued talent?

Off the top of my head here are a few examples that show they do a pretty good job:

Ashton-walk on, prob the best FB in the nation. Idowu-walk on, pretty good LB. Pickett- who did we have to beat out to get him...I believe Temple. Weaver- was a 2 star but he did have a few names after him. Has NFL potential. Jones- another 2 star who I believe will have a nice year. And Jackson a 2 star who is one of the better db’s in the ACC.
How does our current class stack up to a "typical" Michigan State or Wisconsin class in terms of talent and stars? Those two programs seem to do a lot with undervalued talent.

As always, the best thing would be to look at how those classes stack up in terms of talent in stars against the teams they have to play. How many recruiting upsets does Michigan State have to play on a yearly basis based on the teams on their schedule? How many does Wisconsin?
Then look at our schedule, and figure out how many recruiting upsets we would have to pull off based on the teams on our schedule.
Any other comparison is not putting it in its proper context.
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They are similar. Typically, Pitt's a little ahead of UW and behind MSU. The big difference is in the typical schedule. UW typically plays 9 gimme games a year. The Badger's rarely wins when they play schools that recruit better than they do. MSU is in a more difficult division than Pitt but Pitt plays more tough OOC games. MSU has beaten schools that recruit better.

How does our current class stack up to a "typical" Michigan State or Wisconsin class in terms of talent and stars? Those two programs seem to do a lot with undervalued talent.
I think Wisconsin also benefits from playing in the easiest division in CFB.

What Dantonio has done over the past several years has been really impressive given his recruiting averages.
Just my two cents worth MSU really has a niche around Detroit they really recruit the public schools of Detroit, Cincinnati, Dayton, Columbus but they also recruit the metro Atlanta area they do some recruiting in Florida. Wisconsin it's Wi, IL, CA and the Miami area they have also had success in St. Louis. They haven't really changed since Alvarez built the model. Both schools hit the high schools they have had success with over and over again.
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