Holy Crap - Will you ever grow up. Give it a rest and think about your game!In the past the "Stars and Bars" makes a regular appearance at Ped State tail gates as the fans celebrate their "racial" pride.
I was curious if any of them are hoisting their other banner of choice - The swastika?
Holy Crap - Will you ever grow up. Give it a rest and think about your game!
I wish the left was as worried about the HATE GROUP ANTIFA FLAG these days , as they are the Confederate flag, because the way I see it , the group ANTIFA is doing much more terrorizing these days
Does Pitt not teach what the Confederate flag stands for, before the left changed the definition , or just liberal brainwashing going on there these days ? And I am a Pitt fan!
Then state right to own peopleLet me ask you this? How many of the people, in their trailers, dilapidated homes and beat up pick up trunks flying that flag are flying it in support of states rights? HOW MANY? I will give you the answer. ZERO. ZERO.ZERO.
So don't give me that bullshit.