As we mark the 5 Year Anniversary of basically when shutdowns began (sports getting canceled), I wanted to put this graph out because if you remember back then, many of you were saying Covid wasn't killing anyone. It was just the flu and people were dying at normal rates but there was a conspiracy to put Covid on the death certificates for hospital reimbursements. Back then, you said the only way to tell if it was a real thing would be based on death rates because you can write whatever you want on a death certificate but you cannot lie about whether or not someone actually dies. Well, here they are:
Historical jump in deaths from 2019 to 2021. Another big jump in 2021. A drop in 2022 but still probably slightly higher than a non-Covid 2019/20/21/22 normal trend. Drop in 2023 so we are back on what would have been a normal, slightly gradual rise from 2019 to 20 to 21 to 22 to 23 if there was never Covid.
But I swear that most of you will either believe these death numbers are wrong or say Covid still didn't cause any deaths and this jump in deaths was caused by something else. Or, or, just hear me out. Covid actually did kill a ton of people (yes, mostly old people) in 20 and 21. You can criticize the shutdowns all you want, that's a whole different debate. I am simply saying Covid was real and killed a lot of people. Would anyone admit that?

Total number of fatalities U.S. 2023 | Statista
In 2023, about 3.09 million deaths were reported in the United States.

Historical jump in deaths from 2019 to 2021. Another big jump in 2021. A drop in 2022 but still probably slightly higher than a non-Covid 2019/20/21/22 normal trend. Drop in 2023 so we are back on what would have been a normal, slightly gradual rise from 2019 to 20 to 21 to 22 to 23 if there was never Covid.
But I swear that most of you will either believe these death numbers are wrong or say Covid still didn't cause any deaths and this jump in deaths was caused by something else. Or, or, just hear me out. Covid actually did kill a ton of people (yes, mostly old people) in 20 and 21. You can criticize the shutdowns all you want, that's a whole different debate. I am simply saying Covid was real and killed a lot of people. Would anyone admit that?