Curious- Ped State expenses on the scandal?

mbe 34

All Conference
Nov 24, 2004
I think the latest revelation essentially sezs the insurance company is off the hook.
Ped States legal fees minus the settlements gotta be 10 - 20 million and climbing?
Total expenses, fines, loss revenue - over 400 million?
Wonder who the coaches were who caught Jerry in the 80s.?

So many people not pleased - Ron Cook, Franco Harris, Donald Trump
Oh well - business as usually -
What time is kickoff?
Most innocent parties just payoff the accusers. I'm sure this is to help the healing process.
Usually I find the guilty parties wanting to hid the truth from the public, this is the real
reason for the payoff.
PSU wanted the insurance company to pay the damages and the insurance company said no we aren't and that's how we got to this point. I'm sure the administration isn't happy with this coming out but they could care less about Joe Pa or his family they don't want to pay the victims.
PSU wanted the insurance company to pay the damages and the insurance company said no we aren't and that's how we got to this point. I'm sure the administration isn't happy with this coming out but they could care less about Joe Pa or his family they don't want to pay the victims.

Don't insurance companies usually have a hand in accepting of payouts? I have a hard time understanding how PSU could agree to pay off the victims without the insurance company playing a role in the process. If I'm the insurance company and I thought that I would have to foot the bill, I'd want my attorneys involved. I'm pretty sure that if I cause a car accident, I can't just agree to pay the victim a million dollars then send the bill to my insurance company.
The agenda has been changed for the next cult meeting.

  • Out - How to make the stadium look like it is filled up
  • In - We need to increase the tithe immediately