Not to go political , but before the liberal indoctrination, the real meaning of that flag is not racism , but many libs don't know or care about truth. And I was born and raised in Pittsburgh , but I avoided the indoctrination in high school and college
Thanks for not going political. The Confederate Battle Flag, as flown today, was not the official flag of the Confederacy, but was incorporated into the 2nd Iteration, The Stainless Banner, and the final, The Blood Stained Banner. It is based on the Southern Cross
The Confederate Flag represents the principles of the Confederacy. The illegal and unconstitutional attempt at succession by the Confederate States was overwhelming based on their commitment to preservation of the institution of slavery. My neighbors and I cannot legally secede from the United State (the Union) and declare ourselves a separate nation because we do not believe in taxation
The Constitution defines treason as levying warfare against the government and aiding and abetting its enemies. The Confederacy treasonously attacked the legitimate government in open warfare and caused the death of over 600,000 combatants, not including civilian casualties. The south was given virtually complete amnesty after the War.
A flag is a symbol. It need not state its meaning in writing. The swastika (originally a Hindu, Buddhist symbol of good fortune) does not state hatred, genocide, oppression on its face, yet the world knows that in its Nazi form, that is exactly what it portends. So is it with the Confederate Flag and treason and slavery.
It is unfitting that such a disgraced symbol be held in a place of honor.