Down goes Nova..kills Obamas bracket

god don't bring the right wing lunatic locker room over here!
I think he should be spending his time on more pressing issues than filling out brackets.... ludicrous
and a bracket takes how long? 5 minutes? about the same time it takes dubya to read a sentence?
3 hours of golf is a lot quicker than 3 months at the ranch each year. Dubya set all time record for official vacation days while all other days at white house were unofficial vacation days.
a disappointment for sure, but better than carter and dubya is the WOAT. He cant speak English.
Lol,lol. That's all you guys got!!! What will be the next revelation from you s##m b##gs, oh I know ..Howdy D##do can go back to help plan the demise of Isreal with his friends in Iran,and the rest of the Middle East,!! I'm sure will be doing cartwheels if that comes to pass!! Sleep well d##k!! Htp/Forever!!
I think Israel can take care of itself instead of sending their prime minister over here breaking protocol in the process to win an election.

Israel really doesn't need our help, more like the other way around...but you know best.

What a break in protocol when the 3 dems when to Iran under Dubya. Hang them!!!! Treason!!! But this is ok
I'll bet you liked Obama ...

... when he picked Pitt to go to the Final Four in 2009.
DT- he picked them 3 yrs straight starting with the year they were a 5 and beat GTown in the Big East.

His brother in law cant coach and he cant pick
Howdy tried to undermine the election in Isreal..but that's ok with you I guess... Israel is Our only ally in the Middle East and Howdy will not lift a finger if they are attached but that's ok with you..I'm sure...pathetic!!
how did he try to undermine? Argue for a two state solution?

Maybe he should have sent a letter to Iran or when the dems were in power under Bush they should have invited the opposition party to speak before Congress without consulting the president. Rule #1, the president sets foreign policy.

Last question: are you a fox and glenn beck fan?
attached or attacked, his policy is no different that Clinton or Bush, but their clearly needs to be a two state solution and the settlements need to stop. Obama has said over and over that Isreal is our greatest ally. He just doesn't want to bow to AIPAC.

Also, Bibi said two states, fell behind, said no 2 states, appealed to the right and won, and then said two states.
LOL LOL LOL. So who is really playing the game?
Howdy hates the USA period. He's a narcissist of the first power, He wants to divide not bring together at any cost!!
that's just ignorant. I hated dubya but I never thought he hated the usa. You're out of your mind to think anyone would put themselves and family through the thresher of a partisan and general election and they hate the USA.

And I guess he was born in Kenya and is a muslim Mr. Trump?

yeah he sent in the seals to get them killed, not Osama

bailed out wall street bc he hates capitalism etc

pushed for universal healthcare so more American could be uncovered

pushed for amnesty and citizenship when all of us use illegals and benefit from their labor since no americans will do those jobs

objected to republicans attempt to defund Homeland Security because of the immigration issue because he'd rather have our airports, border, and other security areas susceptible to terrorism

Got it. Hates americans.
This post was edited on 3/21 11:03 PM by noelr
The great embarrassment for the "Obama hates America" fringe is that he was elected twice, by comfortable margins. Reality has still not set in for them, after 7 years. I'm not a big fan of his, but compared to the alternative, he is Lincoln.
+1 franb

Don't like Obama much but the alternative is ...well I won't go there

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