Dumb/Obvoius Football Cliches


Nov 30, 2014
Watching games on Saturday provides plenty of irritating moments from commentators saying the obvious. For example, I just heard "This is a team that likes to scores points". I'm sure most teams do! Anyone else have some favorite clichés they love to hate?
Watching games on Saturday provides plenty of irritating moments from commentators saying the obvious. For example, I just heard "This is a team that likes to scores points". I'm sure most teams do! Anyone else have some favorite clichés they love to hate?

Hey, on the ACC pregame show today we learned that Pitt gives up a lot of passing yards because after they get big leads they go into an umbrella coverage and allow the opponents to complete a lot of short passes.

Oh, no, wait, what we learned is that dude on the ACC pregame show either has never watched Pitt or if he has he has no idea what he is watching. Or both. It could be both.
they are determined to win this game.

he is great in space

they need to get the ball in the hands of their playmakers.

he is a downhill runner
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Hey, on the ACC pregame show today we learned that Pitt gives up a lot of passing yards because after they get big leads they go into an umbrella coverage and allow the opponents to complete a lot of short passes.

Oh, no, wait, what we learned is that dude on the ACC pregame show either has never watched Pitt or if he has he has no idea what he is watching. Or both. It could be both.
Said the same thing....these analysts will say anything because like dogs ...they can

He couldn't have watched 1 Pitt game.
So if they talk out against their opponent, they're stupid, arrogant, disrespectful etc. if they use cliche's to respect their opponent, they're boring. They can't win with you guys either way.
So if they talk out against their opponent, they're stupid, arrogant, disrespectful etc. if they use cliche's to respect their opponent, they're boring. They can't win with you guys either way.
No announcer, which is what this thread is discussing, has an opponent.
It drives me insane when an unranked team is favored (sometimes by a TD or more) over a ranked team, and when the unranked team wins the announcers keep calling it an "upset". So freaking uninformed, that crap reeks of 20+ years ago.

Even worse is when say a 20th ranked team is a (justified) double digit favorite and blows the doors off the #12 team and they label it an upset.

It shows that these guys know nothing about football.
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Not really a cliche, but I went to Pitt in the early eighties. The cheerleaders back then used a microphone to lead cheers. The cheerleaders would chant, "We need a touchdown"...and the student section would respond, "No shit." It would be repeated as all cheers do. I thought it was funny then and still laugh when I think about it.
Hey, on the ACC pregame show today we learned that Pitt gives up a lot of passing yards because after they get big leads they go into an umbrella coverage and allow the opponents to complete a lot of short passes.

Oh, no, wait, what we learned is that dude on the ACC pregame show either has never watched Pitt or if he has he has no idea what he is watching. Or both. It could be both.
yeah, I was laughing at that... speaking of cliches I believe his terminology was "dink and dunk"... I remember saying to my son while watching, "no, teams realize why the hell are we trying to run the ball when we can just heave it way down field to either wide open guys streaking for touchdowns or tall dudes jumping over Pitt d backs"
Not really a cliche, but I went to Pitt in the early eighties. The cheerleaders back then used a microphone to lead cheers. The cheerleaders would chant, "We need a touchdown"...and the student section would respond, "No shit." It would be repeated as all cheers do. I thought it was funny then and still laugh when I think about it.

I say Iron, you say Head. Iron.
Yeah that was pretty bad.

My two favorites where when they (foolishly) would allow students to take the mic and lead the cheers. That gave us:

"Go, Bacardi, B A R A C D I" (and yeah, that's how the drunken idiot spelled it)


"Interception, contraception, stop that ball"

They stopped doing that shortly after that one, as I recall. I wonder why?
Not necessarily an announcer thing but if I have one more fan/broadcaster start a conversation about football by rhetorically asking me if I know the definition of insanity, my head will explode.

I typically respond by asking them to explain the definition of ignorance?

They never get that joke.

Also, any time a conversation begins with a guy explaining that he is "a bit of a numbers geek," you know you're headed straight down Moron Lane.

The conversation will almost certainly have all kinds of fake math in it to try to justify whatever stupid point the person is trying to make.

Finally, and this is well documented, I hate it with the fire of hell when people say that a coach/team "needs to play to win instead of playing not to lose."

It's such a stupid cliché that doesn't have any real meaning. It just means that they want him/them to be more aggressive. However, that is not always the correct play. It is highly variable/situational.

Sometimes situations call for greater aggression and other times they call for greater discretion. Learning how to walk that ultra fine line is a tremendously rare skill and only the best coaches have mastered it. Many bonafide Hall of Fame coaches never quite master it. Most fans have no idea what the hell they're talking about.

You've go to know when to hold 'em and know when to fold 'em and there is no right answer 100% of the time. If there were everyone would do it.

However, like in politics, if you are only thinking one way 100% of the time then you need to understand that you are dead wrong at least 50% of the time.

I don't mean to throw so many numbers at you guys but I'm a bit of a math geek...
I have reached the point where I can't socialize with people and discuss sports.

Most of them want to discuss gambling or their parlays and the topics are so ridiculous I can't get involved.

They either think the games are "fixed" or even worse go by the last thing they saw and think that is the absolute truth.

I worked at a sportsbook for years and now can't stand to go there, listening to fans is unbearable to me.

I have found that people that post on message boards are for the most part much more knowledgeable than your typical yahoo fan.
Oh, you just described one of my best buddies. He's a good guy and a brilliant businessman but when it comes to sports he is a complete doofus.

He complains to me every single week that the NFL is "clearly fixed" and yet every single week he bets on more games.

Makes no sense whatsoever.
Oh, you just described one of my best buddies. He's a good guy and a brilliant businessman but when it comes to sports he is a complete doofus.

He complains to me every single week that the NFL is "clearly fixed" and yet every single week he bets on more games.

Makes no sense whatsoever.

I feel your pain. Imagine working in that industry for a living, especially in Las Vegas at night when most people are drunk and totally irrational about sports.

I have literally heard it all, and then some.

Most of the people I read on this board are sharper than the general public, not that is saying much, but it's true.
How about..." he's a football player".... used all the time to invoke some salt of the earth mythos regarding the player being discussed... but sounds dumb as hell
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Another thing I hate is seeing the motion like you are eating from a bowl, "eating him up." I see older men doing that and half to laugh, then I get depressed when I realize this idiot probably votes.
Another thing I hate is seeing the motion like you are eating from a bowl, "eating him up." I see older men doing that and half to laugh, then I get depressed when I realize this idiot probably votes.

Not that means "feed me." Feed me the rock
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I still also say when you think about it literally Steelers is a dumb name.... steel is a thing a noun not a term you can use a "er" on the end IF you are applying standard accepted rules of the English language... just try it with terms "plastic"... Plasticers??? No... how about "Wood"? Wooders??? No.. does not work... everyone is just used to Steelers so it's accepted
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I'm a bit of an outlier, I guess. I don't mind announcer cliches. Cliches are useful shortcuts to description and in the context of live announcing of a fast paced sporting contest, cliches quickly convey easily understood concepts. It ain't Lincoln at Gettysburg, or Churchill in 1940 during the Blitz, but it doesn't need to be.
I still also say when you think about it literally Steelers is a dumb name.... steel is a thing a noun not a term you can use a "er" on the end IF you are applying standard accepted rules of the English language... just try it with terms "plastic"... Plasticers??? No... how about "Wood"? Wooders??? No.. does not work... everyone is just used to Steelers so it's accepted

Miners, teamsters: Not pleased