Duzz deserves credit

Canada showed him that offense wins... then he went and hired Watson.

Whipple showed him that offense wins... then he went and hired Cignetti.

Let's hope that this time is the charm, should Bell move on. Offense is simply more important than defense in modern college football. Spread it out and play fast.
I think talent has a lot more to do with it than style of play. FSU still spreads the field with the same OC they had last year. Their philosophy hasn't changed. Without Holstein & Reid, Pitt would be 2-2 and the offense would still be a trainwreck, just up-tempo and more entertaining

Canada left of his own free will when Conner, Peterman, Johnson, and Bisnowaty were out of eligibility.

Whipple was here for 3 years. He wasn't the most popular guy until year 3.
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