This is my view after seeing some other CFB Program grow and go and comeback over the years including Pitt and some others in turmoil over scandals and still survived and back to thriving again.
First Stage:
First Pitt has to win 10+ games in multiple years. This includes being in the Top 25 every year and making the Top 15, 10 and 5 in some other years too. Top 5, 10, 25 Winning over a period of 5 to 10 years attracts 4 & 5 Star Recruits. This can build a Top 25 Team and keep a longer Top 25 Coach and have Heisman Candidates, First Round NFL Picks, and Other Post-Awards more often.
Second Stage:
Still, that can build a top 10-25 Teams but does not always build a Top 25 Program. Every Program needs some Big Boosters, Corporate Sponsors, and more Sold Out Attendance that will develop a Strong Fan Base from those 10 Years of Multiple Winning that must include ACC Coastal Championship, ACC Championship, Big Bowl Wins, and NCS Playoff Recognition if not an Invitation. There are a few Top Coaches that are superb coaches and stays at that Program that no matter why level recruiting they achieve every year.
Third Stage:
Even after the First and Second Stages are achieved. The Third Stage is to then have a Top Recruiting Staff equal to any in CFB. Stable Chancellorship, Head Coach & Staff, and Athletic Director with good judgments and promotions. This includes larger Recruiting Camps, High School Coaching Clinics, Great Alumni Relations and Support! Now one has a Top Head Coach and Top 25 Program and Top 25 Team in all aspects, Rankings, Revenues, Recruiting, Winning, Championships, Attendance.
Eventually, an On Campus Innovative Stadium that is also an Academic Building with easy access by Public Transportation, Parking and nearby Hotel Accommodations. Along with being in a Power Conference that provides Big TV & Streaming Money to stay competitive.
The only way to become a Top Ten Program in Recruiting again is to compete with Bama, OSU, Michigan, USC, Texas, FSU, Florida, LSU, Oklahoma, Notre Dame, and others is to develop not just the Top 10-25 Winning Teams, but have the Head Coaches Stability, and Solid Top 25 Manageable Program Resources to pay for all of it and continue it after rebuilding it
Pitt did it in the past 3 times and can do it again! By no means easy, but can be done.