I'd like to say thanks for sharing your information. It seems like a lot of people were hearing things and were wrong. I'm sure most of you actually didn't make up your info either.
Now for Richie Walsh, you sir are a ****boy. Thanks for reporting "Pitt offered the job", "Sean Miller is in Pittsburgh", and "more than a 50% chance he accepts". Instead of getting laughed at by just a group message of friends. The whole national media is having a nice laugh at our expense.
You posters keep doing what you're doing to keep things interesting. Richie Walsh on the other hand, let me borrow a line from AJ Burnett.
Now for Richie Walsh, you sir are a ****boy. Thanks for reporting "Pitt offered the job", "Sean Miller is in Pittsburgh", and "more than a 50% chance he accepts". Instead of getting laughed at by just a group message of friends. The whole national media is having a nice laugh at our expense.
You posters keep doing what you're doing to keep things interesting. Richie Walsh on the other hand, let me borrow a line from AJ Burnett.