For the trolls that like to say Narduzzi is leaving...

I don't think it was ever about money coming to Pitt for Narduzzi and the best Coaches never care about. They hire others to negotiate and do that kind of work so it is competitively fair and for their families.

Everything I have read on Pat Narduzzi just oozes that he has had his eye on the Pitt Head Coaching Job for a long time. even YSU's and Former OSU's Head Coach President Tressel has said the same thing.

Pat Narduzzi confidence in his coaching is being seen by everyone that meets him and how his players responded and why recruits are being attracted to him as Coach and Pitt.

It is clear now, after his first year, Coach Pat just loves being a Head Coach at Pitt and is focused on only doing that to Pitt Football and make it into a Top 25 Winning Program!

It not about what is in his pockets, it is in his words, followed up by his deeds!

The Top Great and Elite Coaches like Bear Bryant, Pop Warner, Urban Meyer, Jock Sutherland, Frank Leahy, Knute Rockne, Joe Paterno, Nick Saban, and many others just love Football and Coaching it. Sure, they will take the money given, but one can see they care about their true job in turning players in teams to beat the opponent that week, week by week. They love coaching and standing by their words and players see it, listen, and do it.

This is why I see Coach Pat staying at Pitt a long time, with Pitt in the ACC they now have the money support to help Coach Pat build Pitt into a Top Winning Team!

Just a Hunch, not Gospel but how I see it and read it anmd what you posted just augments it! Thanks!

Everything I have read on Pat Narduzzi just oozes that he has had his eye on the Pitt Head Coaching Job for a long time. even YSU's and Former OSU's Head Coach President Tressel has said the same thing.
If that statement is true, he surely had plenty of opportunities to become the Pitt coach many times in the last 5-10 years, why didn't he put his hat in the ring before? Or did he hear enough about our previous administration that he didn't have faith in working under them? So he waited for an admin change that he felt comfortable under?
Narduzzi stated, if nordy and pedey were still here, he wouldn't have come. Couldn't blame him, those two were clowns and useless relating to big boy football
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"California Panther, post: 923773, member: 164"]If that statement is true, he surely had plenty of opportunities to become the Pitt coach many times in the last 5-10 years, why didn't he put his hat in the ring before?
Very astute of you, just last month Coach Pat talked about he would not be at Pitt if Steve Pdereson was still at Pitt? I read into it, Coach Pat was not being mean, or calling out Pederson, but was saying he saw Pitt was ready to commit to rebuilding its Program into a Top 25 Team. He actually said, he most likely would not be at Pitt if nothing changed at Pitt? I linked that article and it came from the Trib!

When Pitt decided in 1972 to rebuild the Pitt Football Program Johnny Majors made sure it was written down the things Pitt would do to upgrade Pitt Football in his need to compete on a higher level. Pitt did that from 1972 to 1982, but soon failed to maintain it, as New People took over that proved they were not as capable as those before them?

Or did he hear enough about our previous administration that he didn't have faith in working under them? So he waited for an admin change that he felt comfortable under?
Good point, and spot on but to be fair. Nordenberg took great strides to rebuild Pitt Football Program from ashes left over by the previous Chancellors with very little Football Revenues. He hired Steve Pederson to help him and to be more fair Nordenberg and Pederson did rebuild Pitt Football and Sports and Facilities back to winning. They had less then 70 Scholarship Players on Rosters until 2002? They got close to Top 25 Winning but seldom got there consistently.

The problem was Pedesron was a very good rebuilding A.D. but could not keep Nebraska as a Top 25 Winning Program let alone build one at Pitt?

Pitt now in the ACC with what Nordenberg did and Pederson still gets some credit to be fair, the New Chancellor has a vision but more importantly a Power Conference revenues to provide the support Coach Pat Narduzzi needs and demands to rebuild and establish Pitt as Top 25 Program not just Winning in the Top 25 and do it for a long time.

Chancellor Gallagher is clearly very bright and an innovator with a vision for The University of Pittsburgh and that includes Pitt Football being a big part of it.

The way he made Pederson first publicly bring back the Pitt Script, sent Pederson message it was his time to go and then he waited until 7PM to announce it before Pitt BB Game and Pederson resigned.

In the same week, Pitt had New Interim A.D. & Committee to find that right coach that wanted to be at Pitt, and within weeks Pitt had a Coach Pat, and within weeks more an entire new Staff?

Only after 6 more month did Pitt get a New A.D. and that A.D. had to interview with Coach Pat and Dixon too!

Right there Chancellor was sending even more bigger vision and message, not one Man will rebuild Pitt Athletics, it is an collective effort! The Days of Pederson's Ego were gone and replaced with Confidence in the Right People being put in the right Places to initiate, implement, and establish Chancellor's Gallagher's vision for The University of Pittsburgh and that includes Football to do it together.

That is how I see and read it, and others can differ, but is just me?
Methinks you are the one that should lighten up. With 2 posts since "01" you do appear to be a troll, especially when your 2nd post is negative. Looks like a Ped or Rutgers post.
Mensa man, that's 2 posts on your board only. Pre-Narduzzi I had no reason to be over here. I have well over 5,000 posts on various boards.
"greenpeach, post: 924208, member: 10563"]Mensa man, that's 2 posts on your board only. Pre-Narduzzi I had no reason to be over here. I have well over 5,000 posts on various boards.
Good for you, but we see just 2 right now?
Narduzzi stated, if nordy and pedey were still here, he wouldn't have come. Couldn't blame him, those two were clowns and useless relating to big boy football

He isn't the only one. The new soccer coach actually called Pitt, not the other way around. No way in hell that happens under Pederson. Negotiations lasted about a month because they had a lot of demands to meet. Pederson wouldn't even get Wannstedt a new carpet for the South Side facility.

That soccer signing is when I realized things really are different.
Money will not determine how long he stays at MSU. His health will. This is a guy who already had one heart attack while coaching at MSU. Hopefully he will never have another one but at some point his doctor or family may tell him it time to hang it up. At age 60 and already one heart attack you have to wonder how many seasons he has left in him.
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"PSU_Nut, post: 926873, member: 5912"]Money will not determine how long he stays at MSU. His health will. This is a guy who already had one heart attack while coaching at MSU. Hopefully he will never have another one but at some point his doctor or family may tell him it time to hang it up. At age 60 and already one heart attack you have to wonder how many seasons he has left in him.
Good post and the timeline is not that far off, if one looks at other current and past coaches. Cutrcliffe at Duke and 61 had the same problems and is doing well. Both change how they live, eat, and one can see are under control. You may be right but he loves his job and has built The MSU Program better than any in over 20 years. The same for Cutcliffe at Duke, once you have built up the Program the incentive to leave is always tougher to do it and makes one want to be more healthy.

Bryant had similar problems but was big smoker and drinker and it did catch up to him with a stroke in 1977 and some Alcohol Rehab an a bit later but by 69, it all caught up to him by 1983. Unlike Paterno that walked every day, stayed very healthy, but loved Football so much and coached into his 80s even with multiple health problems, and one could argue stayed way too long as well.

Bowden also stayed until 79 but FSU made a change for him while Penn State could not get rid of Paterno and one can argue due Lack of Institutional Control, as well even later finding out he was suffering from Terminal Lung Cancer.

I think Virginia Tech and Frank Beamer now at 69 is setting the tone and age of when it comes time to go, and it still about Winning to stay longer at any University Program. The Money is so big Universities expect way more Winning
and Beamer was not doing that the last five years.

There are exceptions, like Jerry Kill that was forced to retire due to Medical Reasons at 54, but most coaches go into 60s once the Program is built, so long as they Win 9 or 10+ games. There are a few exceptions at the fewer Bigger Programs that demand 11+ Wins almost every year.

Even with that, I still think Coach Narduzzi wants to build the same type of Program that Dantonio built at MSU, and Alvarez built at Wisconsin.

He has mentioned how moving is not something he cares for much about College Football and disrupts his family. Once you put big efforts in a Program the smarter coaches stay and the ones that leave often regret it going to bigger Programs, just ask Majors and Sherrill?

In my opinion, as Narduzzi builds his own Program at Pitt his way, he stays longer, because it is his and loves it like others, once you a have it up and running, leaving gets harder.
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