Former Penn State President guilty of


Gold Member
Oct 26, 2009
Some of the charges but not enough evidence to convict on all.

Facts is it was an obvious cover up.
But tough to prove that.

Biggest loser in this trial was paterno legacy because he claimed to not know of 1998 and that was proven to be a lie.

And the coach that convinced them not to turn Sandusky into the police was proven to be paterno.

Curley. Guilty
Schultz guilty.
Spanier guilty.
Sandusky guilty.
Paterno dead but guilty.
Some of the charges but not enough evidence to convict on all.

Facts is it was an obvious cover up.
But tough to prove that.

Biggest loser in this trial was paterno legacy because he claimed to not know of 1998 and that was proven to be a lie.

And the coach that convinced them not to turn Sandusky into the police was proven to be paterno.

Curley. Guilty
Schultz guilty.
Spanier guilty.
Sandusky guilty.
Paterno dead but guilty.

I'd like this post 100 times if I could. Every single one of them were guilty
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Some of the charges but not enough evidence to convict on all.

Facts is it was an obvious cover up.
But tough to prove that.

Biggest loser in this trial was paterno legacy because he claimed to not know of 1998 and that was proven to be a lie.

And the coach that convinced them not to turn Sandusky into the police was proven to be paterno.

Curley. Guilty
Schultz guilty.
Spanier guilty.
Sandusky guilty.
Paterno dead but guilty.

Joe's GJ testimony also now a bit squirrely. Testified McQueary said 'sexual' and he 'clearly' conveyed that to Curley.
Curley testified 'no' he didn't.
Schulz testified Joe said 'horseplay' to him.
Joe's GJ testimony also now a bit squirrely. Testified McQueary said 'sexual' and he 'clearly' conveyed that to Curley.
Curley testified 'no' he didn't.
Schulz testified Joe said 'horseplay' to him.

It's a big cluster****, because McQueary also talked to Curley and Shultz, and claims he told them it was molestation, not horesplay.
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They were able to lie to get out of some of it.

But facts that aren't refutable is that all involved were convicted with a guilty crime.
Here's how pathetic these people are. We live in Nitter country!

Wife and I and wifes friend were working out at a local gym. Where we live most people walk around with Nitter stuff on.

Anyway we were in the free weight section of the gym sharing weights ( I was spotting for the girls) with people one whom we knew since he was the Superintendant of local schools.
We got to talking, we mentioned the PITT victory over the Nitters, and how PITT will beat them again in 2017.
His response " its terrible what the NCAA did to the football players and the PSU football program."
He is a Superintendant of Schools! No concern for kids???
Kids go to schools??? Very few Nitters think of the kids who were harmed!
We know nurses, doctors, teachers, etc who feel the same way!
Its unbelieveable ! All they think of is their football program!
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The funny thing is the NCAA didn't punish them at all in reality.

That's 100% excuse. No reality in that statement
The funny thing is the NCAA didn't punish them at all in reality.

That's 100% excuse. No reality in that statement
That's a fact!
All their really good players stayed ( the Mauti crowd), a few losers left the program, recruits stayed, and their recruiting was good during that entire "firedrill."
They ended up with a few less schlorships and maybe a few less bench players!
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It's really terrible what the NCAA did to the kids at USC. For some reason all these whiny crybabies think penn state is the only program to ever get punished for something the actual kids on the current team had nothing to do with.
Every punishment has collateral damage.

With this thinking the NCAA should never punish any school. Didn't JoePa preach such moral policing from his soapbox?

We could also stop sending people to prison so their families aren't hurt by their absence.
Here's how pathetic these people are. We live in Nitter country!

Wife and I and wifes friend were working out at a local gym. Where we live most people walk around with Nitter stuff on.

Anyway we were in the free weight section of the gym sharing weights ( I was spotting for the girls) with people one whom we knew since he was the Superintendant of local schools.
We got to talking, we mentioned the PITT victory over the Nitters, and how PITT will beat them again in 2017.
His response " its terrible what the NCAA did to the football players and the PSU football program."
He is a Superintendant of Schools! No concern for kids???
Kids go to schools??? Very few Nitters think of the kids who were harmed!
We know nurses, doctors, teachers, etc who feel the same way!
Its unbelieveable ! All they think of is their football program!
PSU should have gotten the Death Penalty! This has set a bad precedent for the NCAA! What could a University do that is worse than this?
PSU should have gotten the Death Penalty! This has set a bad precedent for the NCAA! What could a University do that is worse than this?
And UNC is likely about to win the men's basketball championship. After being exposed for conducting an entirely "fake" school for its athletes for years.

So you had a school discovered to have the most outrageous physical crimes, and another with likely the most outrageous academic fraud, going on ... and neither received a whiff of discipline for it.

This is why there is no reason Pitt, or any other school, should be following any "rules" related to athletics.
The reason you follow rules is not to take yourself out of winning a championship !

And UNC is likely about to win the men's basketball championship. After being exposed for conducting an entirely "fake" school for its athletes for years.

So you had a school discovered to have the most outrageous physical crimes, and another with likely the most outrageous academic fraud, going on ... and neither received a whiff of discipline for it.

This is why there is no reason Pitt, or any other school, should be following any "rules" related to athletics.
The reason you follow rules is not to take yourself out of winning a championship !
Point was, Pitt still seems afraid of it's own shadow for purported fears over NCAA 'investigations' for stuff 40 years ago. When utter lack of action in cases like PSU, UNC, Baylor, Miami et al signal that it's wild wild west now. The NCAA exists to facilitate money making and nothing else.