From McQueary Case: Emails coming from "nuts, crazy people"


Jan 5, 2011
The Vast Wasteland of Central Pennsylvania
Testimony revealed the Penn State athletic department was flooded with emails and phone calls. A former human resources employee of the athletic department on the stand Wednesday said the atmosphere in the department was volatile and that phone calls were “atrocious,” “vile” and “vicious.”

According to Sassano, McQueary complained he wasn’t getting any support. Also there was at least one threatening email that Sassano discussed with Assistant Attorney General Jonelle Eshbach.

Sassano said he did not receive reports of threats or safety concerns from other police agencies, and he characterized the emails McQueary was receiving as coming from “nuts, crazy people.”
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Testimony revealed the Penn State athletic department was flooded with emails and phone calls. A former human resources employee of the athletic department on the stand Wednesday said the atmosphere in the department was volatile and that phone calls were “atrocious,” “vile” and “vicious.”

According to Sassano, McQueary complained he wasn’t getting any support. Also there was at least one threatening email that Sassano discussed with Assistant Attorney General Jonelle Eshbach.

Sassano said he did not receive reports of threats or safety concerns from other police agencies, and he characterized the emails McQueary was receiving as coming from “nuts, crazy people.”

Similar to WVU fans, except that WVU gabs don't idolize their coaches to the point of turning a blind eye to criminal activity.
The Cult keeps wanting for more truth to come out, but every time it does, it just makes the place look worse. They're still hoping for evidence to emerge, that ole Joe is innocent. And that is impossible at this point, because we already have evidence of the contrary.
Testimony revealed the Penn State athletic department was flooded with emails and phone calls. A former human resources employee of the athletic department on the stand Wednesday said the atmosphere in the department was volatile and that phone calls were “atrocious,” “vile” and “vicious.”

According to Sassano, McQueary complained he wasn’t getting any support. Also there was at least one threatening email that Sassano discussed with Assistant Attorney General Jonelle Eshbach.

Sassano said he did not receive reports of threats or safety concerns from other police agencies, and he characterized the emails McQueary was receiving as coming from “nuts, crazy people.”
What else is new, this kind of action was posted on the Lair way back in 1998, as crazy PSU Cultists stalked anyone making any critical analysis of Penn State, Paterno, and why the Penn State 2012 Reforms were put in to change the Penn State Culture of Football. The University now administer oversight so Athletic Integrity was finally accountable at Penn State University to avoid current future Shaming of Penn State Name?

There is backside coming as well. There are some Heavy Children Protection Advocates (Lawyers), that wrote books, articles, and conducted and consulted on cases that were also attacked, they are waiting too to have the last words and know how to go after deep pockets. They know how to get it done in ways some will be surprised someday.

Someday Sara Ganim, Sally Jenkins, and Marci Hamilton will be Honored above some others Murals on the Wall now? We shall see, Just a Hunch and not a Guess?
Similar to WVU fans, except that WVU gabs don't idolize their coaches to the point of turning a blind eye to criminal activity.
As seen in this years Pitt-Psu Game, there are far more great PSU and PITT Fans of noble competitive values that just enjoy watching great football, and leave the Cultist behind living within their own ignorance. Same with WVU!
The Cult keeps wanting for more truth to come out, but every time it does, it just makes the place look worse. They're still hoping for evidence to emerge, that ole Joe is innocent. And that is impossible at this point, because we already have evidence of the contrary.
Boy, that is an understatement?:oops::rolleyes:o_O:eek::(:confused:;) Possibly the most ignorant fans in all galaxies not just limited to State College, Minds always in Dumpsters!

Summation Of Narratives To Date:

1. Cult & Ziegler Narrative:
Nothing ever happen, Sandusky a Victim, all Victims Lying, Victim Lawyers wanted money, Penn State part of the conspiracy to make up a scandal on Penn State, Freeh corrupt, NCAA & B10 Complicit, OAG created false evidence, PMA Insurance made up allegations, Paterno never once did anything wrong and always did the right thing all the time like Jesus Christ, Paterno's Name more important than Penn State University, and anyone believing otherwise is just jealous of them?

2. Penn State Narrative:
Penn State Trustees 2012 Athletic Integrity Reforms were put in to correct the prior Penn State University Football & Athletic Program Era from the Trustees Freeh 116 of 119 Recommendations and overseen under NCAA Sanction Monitor. This prevents any one Person or Employee ever becoming bigger without oversight than Penn State University!

3. More To Come After Court Cases Resolved Over:
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