Good article on Narduzzi - Orlando Sentinel


Excerpts I Enjoyed:

1. “Narduzzi told Conner he would be there for him and do whatever he could to help the young man. That’s our job,” he said. “We coach because we want to be around young men and help develop them and help them through the tough times. “It was something we had to deal with and we took it in stride. It’s called adversity and how do you deal with it. You push through it and you fight. You know that James is not by himself, he’s got help.”

2. “We got a brand new staff, all working with each other for the first time,” he said. “When you look at that and you say, 'How did it work?' I’m pretty happy with how it worked the first year; know that we were all in the first year together. It’s not like we’re 10 year vets and have worked on the defensive side all of those years so those are things that you have to look at and know it’s only going to get better.”

3. Narduzzi’s goal for Year 2 is a simple one: “Win more than we did last year.” ACC championship. That’s what your goal is and if you win an ACC championship then you get to play in the national championship game and the [College Football] Playoff games.”
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Thanks for posting. Shame we look for outside the area for good articles on our team.
Ain't that the truth? TRIBLIVE does its part,but the Post-Gutless and KDKA The Ban, choose to post and talk about themselves and their own agenda.
Except Zeise!

Narduzzi is not phased at all, and just keeps coaching up as they keeping reporting down, on Pitt?