gary2 Athletic Director Jul 21, 2001 18,976 7,789 113 Jan 30, 2022 #1 Told the team they would plane home if they won, bus it if they lost
E Elsalvador Heisman Candidate Gold Member Jun 1, 2002 7,115 6,012 113 Jan 30, 2022 #2 Hopefully just sarcasm. I can be gullible ha. Reactions: gary2
T tps48 Freshman Gold Member Dec 3, 2007 1,727 1,464 113 Jan 31, 2022 #3 gary2 said: Told the team they would plane home if they won, bus it if they lost Click to expand... They should be hitch hiking. Reactions: gary2
gary2 said: Told the team they would plane home if they won, bus it if they lost Click to expand... They should be hitch hiking.
H HailToPitt1985 Athletic Director Sep 30, 2007 17,453 8,770 113 Jan 31, 2022 #4 Let them stay in Boston for a while. Think about how badly they played and about their so-called "leader". Maybe they won't want to come back to Pittsburgh. Reactions: Chaos
Let them stay in Boston for a while. Think about how badly they played and about their so-called "leader". Maybe they won't want to come back to Pittsburgh.