I really don't like the new app format but I'll get used to it I guess. Anyone know how to quote something in it? I cant find the button.
seems as though people with androids have been having trouble with this since yesterday . I have an iPhone and haven't had a problem.I really don't like the new app format but I'll get used to it I guess. Anyone know how to quote something in it? I cant find the button.
I really don't like the new app format but I'll get used to it I guess. Anyone know how to quote something in it? I cant find the button.
Its just the app, PittLaw. For Android users, you have no toolbar to quote, edit, etc. The app is now unusable for Android. The website is still ok but its just more inconvenient getting to a website. that's so 2013.
Well some of us still use computers rather than data time on our cell plans to participate here. As cheap as you are, surprised you would use data for something that you could get for free if you used a computer. LOL But for sure, the thread view board was far superior for having a debate with one particular poster [or skipping over stuff you did not want to read, etc.]. Hail to Pitt!