I enjoy the irony of PSU fans talking about false narratives


Head Coach
Oct 28, 2005
as they spin their fantasies and conspiracy theories trying in vain to re-write history. They are truly a special breed of freak.

Of course outside their insular bubble, the nation views them as deluded and creepy nuts fixated on the legacy of a now disgraced dead man who was their idol and demi-god. What a bunch of nuts.
as they spin their fantasies and conspiracy theories trying in vain to re-write history. They are truly a special breed of freak.

Of course outside their insular bubble, the nation views them as deluded and creepy nuts fixated on the legacy of a now disgraced dead man who was their idol and demi-god. What a bunch of nuts.
I will be addressing those aspects one by one on the Lair soon, have way more Information now that Pre-Trial Motions have been posted and one can see where this all is heading better.

Also, new Info on Sandusky Post-Appeal, other Lawsuits, and how Penn State has more trouble on the way among its own by their own, and mistakes denying the allegations!
I tried to find ONE columnist that had a positive spin to say about Paterno and the records released yesterday...

I found none
They are not a bright bunch. They really struggle in attempting to understand reality.

There was a thread on BWI yesterday, where several people posted their own experiences, and came to same faulty conclusion about reality. And I've seen the some short-sighted viewpoint posted by others on BWI in the past.

The issue was how Penn State is viewed by the outside world. Someone mentioned an incident when they were ridiculed while wearing PSU gear. Others chimed in and said most of their interactions with strangers out of PA are positive and supportive. Well, that's to be expected, but they don't get that. Many people will interact with a stranger in say, an airport, when they have something positive to say. For example, a thumbs up or a good word for someone wearing a team or a candidate's hat or button is not uncommon. But few people will approach a stranger to get in their face and be confrontation if they disagree with the message being worn. Its human nature; few people are that confrontation with people they don't know, but many are willing to touch a stranger with a positive thought.

These BWI dimwits total up the positive and negative interactions on the road, and conclude that because the positives are in the majority, that the majority of people out their support their position, that their total stranger interactions are somehow representative. Wow, that is staggeringly naive and stupid.

Another guy started a post exposing his deterministic, black and white way of viewing the world. It was basically this: if you believe the accusations against Paterno, you must think he is despicable, and you must also think b, c, d, e, and f about Paterno. He then challenges you to explain how you can hold all these thoughts, some of which he positions as contradictory. You can guess where this goes: its not rational to believe a through f at the same time....THEREFORE, Paterno is not despicable, and you should view the accusation as false.

Many liked his post, no one had a problem with his premise. When they expose themselves like this, showing you how their minds work, its easier to understand the absurd views they have on Paterno and the whole sordid affair.
Maybe by John Doe 500? they'll accept not all of them are subversive liars, deceivers, fabricators, plotters, schemers.
Maybe by John Doe 500? they'll accept not all of them are subversive liars, deceivers, fabricators, plotters, schemers.
Yeah, guys like Bradley and Schiano are telling the truth...even though they have very lucrative careers to sustain and reputations to uphold, but a guy who didn't need to come forward to begin with, Mike McQueary, is a liar and a douchebag...and his career is in ruins. The victims who got settlements are liars looking for a payday but every person within PSU...except MM, is honorable and did the right things.
as they spin their fantasies and conspiracy theories trying in vain to re-write history. They are truly a special breed of freak.

Of course outside their insular bubble, the nation views them as deluded and creepy nuts fixated on the legacy of a now disgraced dead man who was their idol and demi-god. What a bunch of nuts.

Clearly, there is no bigger false narrative than Success With Honor.
They are not a bright bunch. They really struggle in attempting to understand reality.

There was a thread on BWI yesterday, where several people posted their own experiences, and came to same faulty conclusion about reality. And I've seen the some short-sighted viewpoint posted by others on BWI in the past.

The issue was how Penn State is viewed by the outside world. Someone mentioned an incident when they were ridiculed while wearing PSU gear. Others chimed in and said most of their interactions with strangers out of PA are positive and supportive. Well, that's to be expected, but they don't get that. Many people will interact with a stranger in say, an airport, when they have something positive to say. For example, a thumbs up or a good word for someone wearing a team or a candidate's hat or button is not uncommon. But few people will approach a stranger to get in their face and be confrontation if they disagree with the message being worn. Its human nature; few people are that confrontation with people they don't know, but many are willing to touch a stranger with a positive thought.

These BWI dimwits total up the positive and negative interactions on the road, and conclude that because the positives are in the majority, that the majority of people out their support their position, that their total stranger interactions are somehow representative. Wow, that is staggeringly naive and stupid.

Another guy started a post exposing his deterministic, black and white way of viewing the world. It was basically this: if you believe the accusations against Paterno, you must think he is despicable, and you must also think b, c, d, e, and f about Paterno. He then challenges you to explain how you can hold all these thoughts, some of which he positions as contradictory. You can guess where this goes: its not rational to believe a through f at the same time....THEREFORE, Paterno is not despicable, and you should view the accusation as false.

Many liked his post, no one had a problem with his premise. When they expose themselves like this, showing you how their minds work, its easier to understand the absurd views they have on Paterno and the whole sordid affair.
I saw that. Had to shake my head.
Clearly, there is no bigger false narrative than Success With Honor.
It was a fantastically successful marketing slogan and campaign. The masses drank it down like mother's milk and then set about constructing their pedestal to deify JoePa and PSU football as better than everybody else. Pride comes before the fall...and what a fall they had