I thought the free drink giveaway was a good idea.


Sep 26, 2005
The mean spirited nature of the criticism is right in the message board/social media /facebook ahole wheelhouse. When you get your head handed to you everything sucks. The dance team, the promos. the music. Name it its irritating. Yes the promo for the drink came on when the place was almost deserted ( and yes I stayed to support the team and Mr. Duzz). The thing that amazes me is the vindictiveness of the fanbase on social media and elsewhere to Pittt and to fellow Pitt fans. It is disturbing.
I'm with the OP. Someone else was bitching that they got an email for a free Big Mac. Pitt is attempting to reach out to it's fanbase with little tokens of gratitude. It's amazing.
The mean spirited nature of the criticism is right in the message board/social media /facebook ahole wheelhouse. When you get your head handed to you everything sucks. The dance team, the promos. the music. Name it its irritating. Yes the promo for the drink came on when the place was almost deserted ( and yes I stayed to support the team and Mr. Duzz). The thing that amazes me is the vindictiveness of the fanbase on social media and elsewhere to Pittt and to fellow Pitt fans. It is disturbing.
I doubt you read or post to this board much?

Could you drop the "mean spirted" phase? Its on my Buffetts banned word/phrase list and its a "pajama boy" word/phrase. Thanks!

Use something like rotten bast-rds, etc. to describe those people. Thanks again!