Interesting Thought


Board of Trustee
Gold Member
Oct 25, 2008
Or maybe not, since I'm thinking primarily about the NBA. But there's a lot of angst here about whether or not Pitt has a "true center." I know college =/= NBA, but I was struck today over the fact that the best lineup in the NBA features a 6'7" center.

Just fun watching sports evolve. I wonder if we'll ever see a swing back to back-to-the-basket centers dominating the game.
Magic Johnson was a 6'9" Point Guard. He dominated. Soon....all PG's will be 6 8"-6' 10" tall. 30 some years later....still waiting for this to happen.

Weird how some things like that aren't trends but just outliers.
Magic Johnson was a 6'9" Point Guard. He dominated. Soon....all PG's will be 6 8"-6' 10" tall. 30 some years later....still waiting for this to happen.

Weird how some things like that aren't trends but just outliers.

That's fair. But I think this shift towards small ball is more than just a fad. The best Heat teams were ones where they were playing small, too.