There is probably someone who can fix this. When I say fix, I want to qualify I am talking about maybe 500 in conference and 18-21 wins overall. That to me would be the ceiling for this program, the Holand/Dixon era success will likely never be repeated here, at least while we're in the ACC.
As for any new coach, the right amount of money can generally sway anyone. Having said that, any good coach will consider the recent history of our program. This has become a very Hard place to recruit top 150 basketball players. It ain't just HCJC, Dixon was no longer getting plan A recruits or even plan B for that matter. There has been much discussion here on the Lair as to what the reasons are for the poor recruiting. I think ultimately we have been close to a few really good players only to lose out in the end. Until we can figure out exactly why we can't win these battles, even a new coach is going to run into the same issues. I think they know and understand the problem, but, until we win a big recruit, to me, it remains unaddressed.
We have to be sure to get the right guy next time. We don't want to become known as a place where coaches are repeatedly bought out due to their failures. It is not good for our athletic budget or the coach, who does get his money, but, loses future credibility. I think as Pitt fans we are all spoiled by the success we had in the recent past. We all long for it to return. I was happy with a competitive team this year, but, it now looks like the perennial Capel collapse is underway and I have to say all Pitt fans deserve better than this in year 4. I just hope if we do make a new hire at years end, it doesn't result in more of the same issues, and just a different guy running the show. Bottom line, this is fixable, but, honestly, I am not sure given a random name as a new coach, the odds are any better than 50/50 that by year 3 he meets my qualification mentioned above.