Is the term student athlete dead?

Dec 20, 2019
In the wake of the most recent move that is purely money motivated one has to wonder what about the kids? These kids at the 2 California schools are actually going to be at a disadvantage from a traveling stand point. This makes about as much since as the Chargers joining the AFC north. The demands these realignments will put on these "student athletes" make it obvious that the education portion of their lives is a joke. I'm not so sure these schools hit the homerun they think they did. Time will tell but this might blow up in their face.
There is no such thing as a student-athlete, except at the high end academic schools, like in the Ivys and some private schools (CMU). Anyone else using the term is abusing it. Just another reason to not watch this garbage, unless you like low level minor league stuff. I'd rather watch kids who are passionate about the GAME and want to play because they love it, not because they're getting paid some obscene amount of money they never earned.
Student-Athlete haha. More like athlete sometime student. Wait until an athlete student with a big nil flunks a few classes, can't play so sues the university for restricting their right to make a living.
There are plenty of student athletes. A heck of a lot outside of FB and BB, but there's still some in the big 2 revenue generators.

They obviously don't matter, because money and greed are all that matters. Your existence as an athletic institution is tied to chasing the money. Kinda sucks, but that's the way it is.
College athletics are more about football and mens basketball. There are hundreds of student athletes at every school and that will remain. There’s probably another name for football and mens hoops players though.
College athletics are more about football and mens basketball. There are hundreds of student athletes at every school and that will remain. There’s probably another name for football and mens hoops players though.
The name you are looking for is "employee"
In the wake of the most recent move that is purely money motivated one has to wonder what about the kids? These kids at the 2 California schools are actually going to be at a disadvantage from a traveling stand point. This makes about as much since as the Chargers joining the AFC north. The demands these realignments will put on these "student athletes" make it obvious that the education portion of their lives is a joke. I'm not so sure these schools hit the homerun they think they did. Time will tell but this might blow up in their face.
Why wouldn’t most athletes be student athletes? Sure, some are buying time until they can go pro. Others are delusional, and some are probably incapable. BUT, why wouldn’t a good chunk of the kids take advantage of the opportunity? Seems like many do.

Also, the student-athlete term was invented by the NCAA to avoid paying workman’s comp, not anything altruistic.
College athletics are more about football and mens basketball. There are hundreds of student athletes at every school and that will remain. There’s probably another name for football and mens hoops players though.
I agree, football and basketball has lost that term, but other sports embrace student athlete. Just look at reporter GPAs from the other sports. They have athletes in some highly demanding academic programs and still playing at a high level. How a competitive D1 athlete can be a nursing major is beyond comprehension, but many pull it off. That is a student athlete. Do football teams or basketball teams ever really post in celebration the team gpa? You hear about a lineman that’s an engineering major with high gpa, but you don’t really hear much of team data. But you go and look at the soccer teams, volleyball, track etc, they all have excellent grades. And still have highly demanding athletic obligations. Football and basketball have chosen to place sport and money above all else. And have no problem faking it in the classroom. Just look at UNC.
Why wouldn’t most athletes be student athletes? Sure, some are buying time until they can go pro. Others are delusional, and some are probably incapable. BUT, why wouldn’t a good chunk of the kids take advantage of the opportunity? Seems like many do.

Also, the student-athlete term was invented by the NCAA to avoid paying workman’s comp, not anything altruistic.

95% are delusional. Maybe 5% get into the pros and make a decent living.
I agree, football and basketball has lost that term, but other sports embrace student athlete. Just look at reporter GPAs from the other sports. They have athletes in some highly demanding academic programs and still playing at a high level. How a competitive D1 athlete can be a nursing major is beyond comprehension, but many pull it off. That is a student athlete. Do football teams or basketball teams ever really post in celebration the team gpa? You hear about a lineman that’s an engineering major with high gpa, but you don’t really hear much of team data. But you go and look at the soccer teams, volleyball, track etc, they all have excellent grades. And still have highly demanding athletic obligations. Football and basketball have chosen to place sport and money above all else. And have no problem faking it in the classroom. Just look at UNC.

Very true. The term "student athlete" still has applicability, just not with football and basketball. Real student athletes aren't on football or basketball teams, and those graduation rates and GPA's they throw out there and celebrate for football and basketball are a joke. I know, there are exceptions. But not many. Especially going forward.
In the wake of the most recent move that is purely money motivated one has to wonder what about the kids? These kids at the 2 California schools are actually going to be at a disadvantage from a traveling stand point. This makes about as much since as the Chargers joining the AFC north. The demands these realignments will put on these "student athletes" make it obvious that the education portion of their lives is a joke. I'm not so sure these schools hit the homerun they think they did. Time will tell but this might blow up in their face.
It was completely invented by the NCAA to NOT recognize athletes for what they are- employeees
That some silly people fell for it says more about them than the athletes
Very true. The term "student athlete" still has applicability, just not with football and basketball. Real student athletes aren't on football or basketball teams, and those graduation rates and GPA's they throw out there and celebrate for football and basketball are a joke. I know, there are exceptions. But not many. Especially going forward.
It’s never had applicability other than to skirt colleges providing employment protections for athletes

It was a completely fabricated term
In the wake of the most recent move that is purely money motivated one has to wonder what about the kids? These kids at the 2 California schools are actually going to be at a disadvantage from a traveling stand point. This makes about as much since as the Chargers joining the AFC north. The demands these realignments will put on these "student athletes" make it obvious that the education portion of their lives is a joke. I'm not so sure these schools hit the homerun they think they did. Time will tell but this might blow up in their face.
No. Student athletes make up the vast majority of student athletes. Only in revenue producing sports is that term inapplicable.
No. Student athletes make up the vast majority of student athletes. Only in revenue producing sports is that term inapplicable.
They are all actually employees
“Student athletes” was invented to ensure they wouldn’t be paid and protected by colleges
To protect their own profits
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Student-Athlete haha. More like athlete sometime student. Wait until an athlete student with a big nil flunks a few classes, can't play so sues the university for restricting their right to make a living.
I think some folks would be eager to get the popcorn out to see this drama play unfold…
I think some folks would be eager to get the popcorn out to see this drama play unfold…
universities have spent decades restricting rights for athletes to earn a living - including using the ncaa as a cudgel to challenge their eligibility for those who tried .

it’s always been about money for the colleges and ncaa - and actually paying the labor would shrink their profit margins .
Yes but these kids are full time students and most WON'T go pro so essentially the scholarship means nothing because they don't care about their education just their athletic performance. Colleges are too expensive not to take advantage of a free degree.
In the wake of the most recent move that is purely money motivated one has to wonder what about the kids? These kids at the 2 California schools are actually going to be at a disadvantage from a traveling stand point. This makes about as much since as the Chargers joining the AFC north. The demands these realignments will put on these "student athletes" make it obvious that the education portion of their lives is a joke. I'm not so sure these schools hit the homerun they think they did. Time will tell but this might blow up in their face.