Jury reaches split verdict

Not really. It is because you have to prove intent to commit a crime. You have to show understanding they are conspiring to break a law.

Well, there was that email where he acknowledged that he knew they could get in trouble.
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Well, there was that email where he acknowledged that he knew they could get in trouble.
Yeah, I thought that would show conspiracy. Maybe the prosecutors didn't hammer home that point very well.
I'm guessing they'll say they clearly haggled over that part of it and it was probably a close call.
Yeah, I thought that would show conspiracy. Maybe the prosecutors didn't hammer home that point very well.

It would be hard to hammer that home if you aren't going to charge Curley or Shultz. You need more than one person for a conspiracy.
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Biggest thing out of this trial was Curley's revelation that Paterno knew about '98, which he had denied in his grand jury testimony. So Paterno knew about Sandusky but chose to not go to the police. Football was more important than child welfare to him.
Some of the morons on BWI continue with their illogical conclusions. They think that 'not guilty' on conspiracy means there was no conspiracy, and some will go so far as to conclude that the result is proof that there was no conspiracy.

And yet, I'm guessing that virtually everyone of them thinks OJ killed his wife despite the 'not guilty' verdict. And they don't see the contradiction in their thinking.
Not guilty of conspiracy only due to the cult brain in Central PA and not understanding what the term means.
Secret pictures of the Nitter cult brain leaked from the Nitter medical center!

Here's pictures of the Nitter Medical Center with patients!
I really doubt they cared all that much about the conspiracy charge. Probably just wasn't worth the fight. Found guilty on one charge of child endangerment, and in the end the safety of children is really the only thing that matters. No way everyone just walks away from this clean. They got him on the one charge they probably felt they had the best chance of proving in court.
I am curious about one thing because I don't understand why people would do this-

Does it bother you when you walk in public wearing your Ped St gear that people you don't know look at you in disgust?

I stopped supporting other entities that have done far less than cover up for and harbor a serial child rapist.

I got in more trouble during Preakness than the three administrators. The national news did not even pick it up. Glad it is over...
Biggest thing out of this trial was Curley's revelation that Paterno knew about '98, which he had denied in his grand jury testimony. So Paterno knew about Sandusky but chose to not go to the police. Football was more important than child welfare to him.

That and he was consulted at every single turn. And each time stood to the side in agreement. These guys testified several times and not one ever said Joe wanted to go further. Not one. There was more pointing to him steering it to not get out. He lied about 98 and even his account of what he reported in 01 was brought into question. He was solidly in the group of 4 and luckily for him he didn't have an official administrative title.
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I am curious about one thing because I don't understand why people would do this-

Does it bother you when you walk in public wearing your Ped St gear that people you don't know look at you in disgust?

I stopped supporting other entities that have done far less than cover up for and harbor a serial child rapist.

Not really anymore.
Maybe, just maybe, those dummies will now comprehend the meaning of "with the benefit of hindsight". At least that's one thing you won't hear anymore.