He states that the committee is sending the message.. Weak OOC schedule your not getting in.. Hope the carnival barker is watching..
I believe PSU has scheduled PITT for the next four years
I believe PSU has scheduled PITT for the next four years
I guess Penn State will never make the playoffs then. They've openly admitted to playing garbage OOC schedules for the rest of time.
Actually you're right. I wonder how PSU will keep up the absurd "need" for 7 home games every year when their own conference is winnowing down legitimate opponents.psu's next few year's have an OOC schedule of us, a mac team and an fcs team.. I believe that the big 10 is getting rid of fcs games going forward. Big 10 has only 3 ooc games and we know how psu has to have at least 7 home games or all sports will cease to exist.. tricky having a strong OOC schedule with an odd amount of conference games.. You need to find a good opponent who will come to your place on a 2:1 deal. Not many of those schools out there and the ones that are, are not good..