Mike Farrell sucking up to the head coach at Ped U. There's a shocker.
It sounds like he's making excuses for Franklin as to why PSU has been mediocre since O'Brien left.
Bottom line.... Bad clock management, questionable play calling and leaving in star players well after the game has been decided, has nothing to do with sanctions.
They just jumped at the hottest commodity at the time. Thats all.
He had mediocre success and a rape incident over his head at the time. Typical penn state stuff, just trying to quell the football machine and keep the zombies happy
It sounds like he's making excuses for Franklin as to why PSU has been mediocre since O'Brien left.
Bottom line.... Bad clock management, questionable play calling and leaving in star players well after the game has been decided, has nothing to do with sanctions.
Wayne Rodgers was much, much, much better....