Narduzzi not shaking hands...totally classless.

If I were the Pitt AD, and I'm glad I'm not, I'd fire Narduzzi's a$$ for being a big baby and a douchebag. Not a fan of Narduzzi, but this would definitely seal his fate for me.
Oh **** that.

He makes almost 7 million a year to be a professional.
And his defensive players never shut up even when they can’t back it up. The Toledo players were probably just tired of listening to them so they pushed back and sometimes went over the line.

This loss was on him and his coaches 100%. Suck it up and at least take one embarrassing thing off the table.

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Meh. Toledo is a bunch of trash talking, cheap shotting punks. I have no problem with the Duzz's actions.
I sort of agree here. Toledo was mouthing and taking shots all day. Duzz probably decided it was better to walk away. That said, he needs a long look downward the next time he heads to the urinal because he showed no balls today.
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Maybe Narduzzi's feelings were hurt because he could see that Toledo was faster and more talented than Pitt at practically every position. Poor baby.
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They’re a MAC team. You shouldn’t give them a reason to talk trash!
Exactly. It unnecessarily elevates them. They shouldn't be worth that crap. STFU, act as if, and grind their faces into the dirt on the field.

Stupid, childish, BS
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I thought Narduzzi was moving his guys to the locker room to avoid another fight.

Especially after not once… but twice Toledo rushed the field like they won the Super Bowl only to have it called back
My wife said the same thing live and he very well might have....but I rewatched the clip multiple times and they don't show it definitively. Now my educated guess is he ran with his players that were still being chirped at by Toledo (notice the Toledo players pointing for pitt to hit the lockers) to prevent more shenanigans. Probably a bad look but not 100% sure it's the way it looked.
Yeah Toledo seemed like goons, but you’ll see a lot worse in an average NHL playoff series and the teams still shake hands at the end. It was a low class move by Narduzzi.
Low on class, lower on brains. Could someone please state a single reason why he should be retained any longer?? We lost 6 games in a row and it wasn't like the schedule included Georgia, Ohio St, and Notre Dame. Assuming we were close to equal in talent to at least a few of these teams we lost to, he was clearly outcoached in these games. Other than him writing in his little notebook, I find he offers this program next to nothing. And don't say stability. This team may not be so stable once we find out who opts for the portal.
You gotta love how people automatically run with “he didn’t shake hands” when it’s not been at all established that A. It in fact happened or B. He wasn’t trying to get players off the field

Just run with the most drama inducing outrage version first… lol
You gotta love how people automatically run with “he didn’t shake hands” when it’s not been at all established that A. It in fact happened or B. He wasn’t trying to get players off the field

Just run with the most drama inducing outrage version first… lol

He didn't shake hands with Candle. Maybe he was trying to get the team off the field but not all his players listened.

Hes an ineffective has been. That's drama inducing.

Being a baby who can't handle his team stinks? That's reality.
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He didn't shake hands with Candle. Maybe he was trying to get the team off the field but not all his players listened.

Hes an ineffective has been. That's drama inducing.

Being a baby who can't handle his team stinks? That's reality.
That’s actually your opinion… which is fine…
The “faculty” useless clown shoes this is pro football. Education is irrelevant
And there's the dichotomy. If I want to spend my money watching highly paid athletes, why not just go to a Steeler's game? Why not just watch the best guys, instead of the wanna-bees? Without the University affiliation, it's just a semi-pro hack football team in Pittsburgh. No band. No cheerleaders. No dance team. Oh... and no students... which is the only fan base that matters at the moment.

Its just a bunch of chumps standing in line to be the next moron to f-up my Wendy's order.