Yes because I am a fan of the program, an alumni, and a father of a soon to be freshman at Pitt and avid hoops fan. We only have projections to go by, as they’ve only played 11 games together.
What else do we have besides projections of freshmen? Why not be hopeful? If not hopeful projections, then what? Despair? No way.
Despair is what I’m experiencing when I read your, DTs Drivbles, whirli, JTPF, 85, NTOP, Levance and countless other posters who refuse to see barely any hope in the future. Yeah, this sucks compared to ‘09, but despairing about it every day does nobody any good, especially the kids.
If some dude's posts about the hoops team are causing you despair, you should consider reevaluating how much emotional investment you put in a game.