This is what I have been trying to convey because for some reason there are still some Unsealed Victim's Voices not made Public?
Consider what happen at Baylor, women Rape Victims have been invited to Baylor Campus and Football Program where all Players and coaches and Athletic Department Employees came and listen to them.
So far none of that has happen at Penn State. This has to happen, Penn State to be Penn State has to invite the Victims, Reporters, and Children Advocates to show they have changed the Penn State Football Culture. Yet, some Trustees A9 Alumni can't separate from Paterno Legacy and at the same time can't win in the Court of Public Opinion?
Even the Paterno family acknowledges that Sandusky committed crimes and was convicted and held accountable. Penn State took responsibility as it should but it exposed that the Penn State Football Program was out of compliance, broke laws, and violated Lack of Institutional Control and that happen under Paterno Era's Errors!
This is why I can explain Joe was a Great Coach but the Paterno Era Program needed Penn State 2012 Reforms and they clash. This is why not one Penn State Poster will answer any questions posed on the Lair? If there was nothing wrong with the Penn State Football Program why did it need and now has PSU 2012 Reforms?
This is also dogging Franklin, Baron, and Barbour and have to deal with a divided Trustees, Alumni, and Fan Base. If Franklin can win 10 games it will help but if he can't it causes more problems.
The Baylor Scandal is showing how to overcome that quicksand dilemma and that is by inviting and embracing the True Victims of Crimes and the Media that uncovered them, and reforms put in by Legal Women and Children Protection advocates that change the Practices and Cover-Ups of the Baylor University Football Program and dumped Art Briles.
The Penn State 2012 Reforms proved Penn State Culture of Football and the Program needed changed as well, but that means accepting it happen under Paterno Era Errors and some cannot accept it?
Gerry Sandusky abused troubled children that caused troubled in their own lives and often lied because this is what Pedophiles Target just like what happen in the Catholic Church. The Pedophiles defend themselves by saying the children are Liars to Higher Ups at first and often believed over those children.
So, Higher Ups ignore it and it comes up in again and often the Pedophiles get the Children to recant until it keeps happening again sporadically as many more just remain shameful and silent! At some point, now the Higher Ups do something about or just treat it those are just baseless allegations but lets move to get rid of that person anyway. This is how Pedophiles were handled back in Pre-2012 Days but the Laws changed now.
Gerry did this to many people including Paterno. This is a narrative that Joe Knew in 1971 is not all together accurate. Joe was told in 1971 by one Victim but that does not mean Joe believed that Victim? it is not just plausible but very possible and probable Gerry lied to Paterno and Tarman and kept that up even in 1998. All sudden Gerry retires but Spanier kept Gerry Sandusky around and Honored Sandusky?
Then 2001 McQueary happen and Joe did report it to Higher Ups....Then, the 2008 PAOAG Investigation that slowly started and the victim recanted after being get to by Sandusky but then finally was believed and and then more Victims came out with Lawyers once hiding in shame and silence?
Now all of that is being decided by the Criminal Cases, Civil Lawsuits, and Sandusky Post Conviction Appeal!
The problem now is the timing of those demanding to honor Paterno and the fear more can come out later, and that is not a solution, like Baylor is doing, that can comeback on the very people advocating it, and why it will linger and won't go away.