New Board


Nov 12, 2009
There are a couple of advantages that I see with the new board here, particularly when compared to TOS.

First, when there is a new post in a thread and you click on that thread, it takes you directly to that new post. To be honest I don't remember if the old board here did that but on TOS... it doesn't do this and you have to scroll through all the old posts to find anything new... and then they got pages so that helps a bit but not that much... and has disadvantages if you want to look at previous posts.

Also... if you quote a previous post it just includes a PART of that post in the quote... while on TOS you got long, long posts with multiple quotes inside of multiple quotes... and that gets to be a real pain.... sometimes all sorts of quoted stuff over and over with just one line responses at the bottom.

In any case I always used thread view with the old board here so the new format seems to be an improvement all around for me.

Oh... yeah... Rivals is Yahoo and TOS is MS. Need we say any more? I recently gave up on MSIE and went to Google Chrome and that has been a big improvement.

Just my two cents.
The best thing I like is that threads are not lost after a few days. Sometimes, an interesting discussion would be going on, but it would be swept off of the board after a game, as the many game related threads would push it down past the four page limit. Now the thread will still be there if we'd like to discuss it further, after the game related threads cool down.
The best thing I like is that threads are not lost after a few days. Sometimes, an interesting discussion would be going on, but it would be swept off of the board after a game, as the many game related threads would push it down past the four page limit. Now the thread will still be there if we'd like to discuss it further, after the game related threads cool down.

Yeah, that is ALWAYS a concern... when there is a game all sorts of threads with just one or at most a couple of posts. Some people, like DT and others, try to start an 'open game thread' for that particular game... and maybe that will work a lot better with this new format... but seems like a lot of people just ignore that and just post their one post threads. Hmmmm... I was gonna suggest here that Mr Peak consider deleting those posts that are not in the open game thread... to keep the number of threads down... but in making this post... it might not be necessary with the new format (because it goes right to the latest post when you read). Only time will tell.

Yeah, if we lose I usually don't come anywheres near this board because all the 'Sons of Phil' are going rant wild... and it gets really repulsive. Would be nice if Mr Peak or SOMEBODY found a way to stick all those posts, when something like that happens, into one thread. Yeah, I can't think of any way that could be done.