New Pitt football blog up and running...


Jan 27, 2005
Columbia, MD
Fellow Pitt fans and message board friends,

Reed here - as you may know I have been doing 500+ articles (over 900K words) on The Pitt Blather blog as an unpaid writer for the last five years, so I decided to move on out and start my own Pitt football blog... as an unpaid writer again... but with full control.

The blog is titled "The Pitt POV" (Point of View) and should, I hope, generate the same amount of comments and long detailed discussions we had on my articles for The Blather.

I rolled it out yesterday and posted the first real article about football this morning... "Any Buyer's Remorse about Pat Narduzzi?".

We also have a Facebook page for the articles found here - The Pitt POV

I have the same media credentials from Pitt and the ACC as I did before and will be attending more away games this season so we'll have better coverage on those. Please join us in talking about what we all love to follow and cheer for....HTP!!

Thanks, Reed Kohberger
Reed - Always enjoyed your stuff on Scout. I didn't know you were with the Blather...I don't read it. Good luck with your new endeavor. I look forward to reading...Pitt1999
I enjoy your blog, Reed. Some of us can't get enough positive Pitt stuff - if only to counter the negative crap that we find on other sources.
I highly recommend the Pitt Blather for anyone interested in Pitt athletics. Not sure who will take over the football writing - I was pretty much the only one doing that. But Chas Rich (owner of The Blather) is very knowledgeable about and writes a lot on Pitt basketball - which I don't follow at all. Plus he is on the mark when it comes to the administrative stuff with Pitt athletics - especially conference issues. He's that good.

There is an archives calendar on the left side of the Blather front page - stroll through that and read some of Chas and Justin's (his are sparse) articles.

Billyberoux and PhPanther - I'll toot my horn here just a bit. One article I did for the Blather had over a million (1,000,000) views & visits. The V&Vs for my football articles was averaging well over 400K per month ... and being reprinted elsewhere by different media sites and not always sports ones. I did over 500 articles with about 885,000 words in the last five years so I must have been doing something right.

My new blog is just about at that production rate in its first three days - it has been very well received. I say this to point out that an author's (Blogger's) writing, opinions, facts, impressions, speculation, interviews, etc. is but 50% of a successful blog - the readers and their comments are what make it really happen and in that we had a great core of about 100+ regular posters on The Blather. Most of whom are also visiting and contributing on The Pitt POV as well.

Drop in or not - your choice of course and you are certainly welcome - at the very least you'll get involved in a good discussion among other commenters regardless of what you think of my writing... and believe me you won't be the only one disagreeing with me or thinking I'm full of crap - that happens all the time and those commenters sometimes make the best points about the subject matter at hand in their own thoughts and words. all in all its fun and sometimes very informative - as lots of other blogs are also.
I often read you on the Blather and am sure I'll find time to pop in on your new site as well. Good luck with it.
Definately did not read your blog at this one or the previous location. I remember your evolution as a poster over on Scout from when I first started posting there till your eventual departure. I personally think your opinions are not good, and neither is your delivery or defense of opinion. I have no idea why anybody would read what you write, but more power to them if they wish. I'm not that desperate for Pitt information. Here and vukovan is plenty for me.
Sounds like someone needs a hug from Reed...