How have the Pens and Pirates gotten away from "metallic yellow"? The last time I checked the Pens are still vegas gold. I guess that's what your're calling metallic? and the Pirates never were.It was mustard for them and that was the 1971 throwback only.I hope they follow the pens and now the Pirates and get away from the metallic yellow.
I hope they follow the pens and now the Pirates and get away from the metallic yellow.
pens have the old yellow in their alternate unis, buccos announced their alternate unis as well (below). Got to stay up on current events broHow have the Pens and Pirates gotten away from "metallic yellow"? The last time I checked the Pens are still vegas gold. I guess that's what your're calling metallic? and the Pirates never were.It was mustard for them and that was the 1971 throwback only.
I knew all that...The Pirates other four uniforms have the same yellow as the one above.And the Pens regular uniforms are vegas as you know.
A lot of people do not like the metallic gold, it's been a topic of debate for awhile.. The helmets have gotten better,My biggest issue with the current color combo is the gold. The gold looks terrible in t shirt form and when the students, fans, etc wear that color, it just looks awful and makes the person wearing it look bad too. Basically like "washes the person out"
just not good.
When Consol Energy Center opened they should have rebranded and went back the original unis, with blue a major component....I love those uniforms
I think that's only a very vague representation ... Based on what Narduzzi said... I think that's the general idea 3 uniforms that have multiple combos and one other using old throwback colors but not a carbon copy of that era.
These could be how they'll look!
This gives me a chuckle because it will need to be redesigned if they win the cup this year.
I think that's only a very vague representation ... Based on what Narduzzi said... I think that's the general idea 3 uniforms that have multiple combos and one other using old throwback colors but not a carbon copy of that era.