NIL Talent Fee


Dec 15, 2008
Tennessee announces they will add a 10% 'talent fee' to football tickets next year to fund NIL. Expect this to spread quickly around the country.
Is that allowed? I could see for required per seat donations providing the option of the donation going to either the athletic department or the school's preferred NIL collective; but I thought the whole reason there are NIL collectives is that the athletic department can't directly solicit NIL money or direct resources into an NIL fund?
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Is that allowed? I could see for required per seat donations providing the option of the donation going to either the athletic department or the school's preferred NIL collective; but I thought the whole reason there are NIL collectives is that the athletic department can't directly solicit NIL money or direct resources into an NIL fund?

Its not allowed but what is the NCAA going to do? I proposed this idea before. But I said like 90% of the ticket cost should be the Alliance 412 fee. The players need paid. The university can pick up the fund for general expenses.
Is that allowed? I could see for required per seat donations providing the option of the donation going to either the athletic department or the school's preferred NIL collective; but I thought the whole reason there are NIL collectives is that the athletic department can't directly solicit NIL money or direct resources into an NIL fund?
I think that changes in fall 2025. Universities may be able to run/fund NIL. Others may need to verify.
Its not allowed but what is the NCAA going to do? I proposed this idea before. But I said like 90% of the ticket cost should be the Alliance 412 fee. The players need paid. The university can pick up the fund for general expenses.
That's exactly it.

Need to get psu and wvu on the schedule every year and alternate home dates so we get the sell out to fund our team.
Need to get psu and wvu on the schedule every year and alternate home dates so we get the sell out to fund our team.

No. Just make season tickets $5 with a $495 Alliance 412 fee. Before Pitt pays ANY expense, it makes to ensure our player salary payroll is on par with like schools. We arent competing with PSU, OSU, Mich, and Bama but we cant get outbid by WVU, VT, UNC, etc. And we should also be in a position to be able to pay a local 4 or 5 star what PSU is paying.
No. Just make season tickets $5 with a $495 Alliance 412 fee. Before Pitt pays ANY expense, it makes to ensure our player salary payroll is on par with like schools. We arent competing with PSU, OSU, Mich, and Bama but we cant get outbid by WVU, VT, UNC, etc. And we should also be in a position to be able to pay a local 4 or 5 star what PSU is paying.
See that's not going to work. Nobody is going to give up money they already get, including the Universities. Really, especially the Universities.

That's why NIL even exists. Everyone wanted the players to profit from all the money football generates. The general public thought the schools could pay the players a salary/stipend/whatever from all the TV money they get, cut them in on the revenue they generate. But the schools wanted no parts of giving up their TV $$$. Enter NIL, the players get paid, but the money doesn't come from the Universities' dollars, it comes from fans and boosters. No problem for the schools there.

This why TENN is adding the 10% to ticket prices, not just redirecting 10% of existing ticket revenue. Again the school will keep their money and let the fans pay the players. At some point the NIL fee on tickets might cap the amount schools can raise their part of ticket prices, to keep the overall ticket price reasonable, but I doubt it.
Prior to all the NIL crud began I was believed that athletes should be compensated a somewhat beyond a scholarship and housing ect. But damn I hate what it has become. Name, Image and Likeness, NIL? Sounds ok but it doesn't fit. Pay for Play, PFP.
When talks of athletes being compensated began I was under the impression that the idea was that the NCAA was making so much money off the athletes that the source of funds to pay the athletes would come from the NCAA as an organization. I was very wrong.
Prior to all the NIL crud began I was believed that athletes should be compensated a somewhat beyond a scholarship and housing ect. But damn I hate what it has become. Name, Image and Likeness, NIL? Sounds ok but it doesn't fit. Pay for Play, PFP.
When talks of athletes being compensated began I was under the impression that the idea was that the NCAA was making so much money off the athletes that the source of funds to pay the athletes would come from the NCAA as an organization. I was very wrong.

I am fine with businesses paying players what their value is on the open market for marketing and advertising deals.

I am also fine with allowing these players becoming full blown pros and the universities paying their salaries.

What I am not fine with are the collectives becoming a 3rd party player salary pool with players retaining their eligibility after receiving payments which are obviously pay for play.

Either allow pay for play or make a kid ineligible for accepting a pay for play deal. A college athlete showing up at an animal shelter for an hour is not worth 7 figures.
I've been saying we shouldn't make NIL optional and attaching it to tickets is the only way to do that. Not sure if this is NIL, though, or money for the revenue sharing model that will soon exist. Maybe the lines are blurred enough now that it doesn't matter much.
Will not really matter.

Top 20 teams will still get the majority of Rival 5/4 Star players as they had in the past only now with NIL they will have to pay to get the same players.

Pitt mostly gets Rival 3-star (and a few 4 star) players and they will continue to get them but with NIL will still get them but pay them less.

With a good HC, Coaching Staff and player development you can still have a successful football season without winning a National Championship.

Will not really matter.

Top 20 teams will still get the majority of Rival 5/4 Star players as they had in the past only now with NIL they will have to pay to get the same players.

Pitt mostly gets Rival 3-star (and a few 4 star) players and they will continue to get them but with NIL will still get them but pay them less.

With a good HC, Coaching Staff and player development you can still have a successful football season without winning a National Championship.


Well it matters insofar as them being able to buy the 3 stars who do develop away from us. The bizarro Robin Hood free transfer rule gives mulligans to the schools that need it the least.
Will not really matter.

Top 20 teams will still get the majority of Rival 5/4 Star players as they had in the past only now with NIL they will have to pay to get the same players.

Pitt mostly gets Rival 3-star (and a few 4 star) players and they will continue to get them but with NIL will still get them but pay them less.

With a good HC, Coaching Staff and player development you can still have a successful football season without winning a National Championship.


I disagree. There is a finite amount of what the top schools can pay a kid like Quinton Martin to hand out water bottles for a few years. A school like Pitt or Syracuse or Maryland should be able to pay a kid at that "star level" a similar amount of money and sell the kid on actually getting to play and potentially getting a big bump in Year 2. Whereas at the top schools, they will sit a few years without getting that bump.

Lets take Holstein for example. Lets say he goes to Bama and stays 3-4 years before transferring out. He gets a nice, competitive salary while there but nothing earth-shattering. He's also not playing. Now, lets say he goes to Pitt out of HS, Pitt should have been able to pay a QB at that star level as much as Bama would pay him to run the scout team. Holstein sits at Pitt in Year 1 and then in Year 2 is all-conference. In Year 3, he either gets a big pay bump at Pitt or from another school in the portal. Inotherwords, if his goal is to play QB at Bama or a blue blood, you go to Pitt first, actually play and THEN you go to Bama. Or maybe you like Pitt enough to stay.
If you wondered why Heather Lyke was fired, you don't have to wonder any longer. She was fired because she wasn't in lock step with all of this NIL nonsense and saw it coming to this. I don't blame her for holding to her principles, if that's the case. No job is worth selling your soul.
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Prior to all the NIL crud began I was believed that athletes should be compensated a somewhat beyond a scholarship and housing ect. But damn I hate what it has become. Name, Image and Likeness, NIL? Sounds ok but it doesn't fit. Pay for Play, PFP.
When talks of athletes being compensated began I was under the impression that the idea was that the NCAA was making so much money off the athletes that the source of funds to pay the athletes would come from the NCAA as an organization. I was very wrong.

Yeah, that was the line of bull they sold, and most sheep bought into.

Ive been saying from the start this isnt the case. If NCAA 2k24 wants to use players name, fine, give the players royalties, if people want to buy their names on jerseys sold by NCAA outlets, sure, give them royalties... all else is complete bs. .. like car commercials or whatever type of bull they say, or straight up just give players money for nothing. It isnt sustainable. It wont be sustainable.

I dont care at all if I wear a players shirt, or an NCAA video game has the actual players name on them, then again, I dont actually really care if Pitt goes 5-7, I'll still be a fan, still go to games, still travel to away games (maybe I will stop that if I have to pay for the other teams players on my tickets). No one else does either... the proof of that is the previous 100 years of college football. The whole thing is nuts, they should just start a minor league for football, and not have any college football.
NIL is a real problem and I don't really see a good solution other then completely separating high level competitive sports from universities and making it officially minor league football.
Some people do. There are more important jobs in the job market than college athletics, and people take them on principle. No reason some don't do it in this case. That's why I made that comment.
Nobody takes a job on principle .
Unless they are a trust fund kid who doesn’t need to work for a living .
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Nobody takes a job on principle .
Unless they are a trust fund kid who doesn’t need to work for a living .

Wrong. But you're entitled to your opinion. You take a job on principle if you are qualified enough to pick and choose among varied offers. You take the one that aligns with your ethics and principles. That works for SOME people. Saying an absolute like "nobody take a job on principle" is shortsighted.
Wrong. But you're entitled to your opinion. You take a job on principle if you are qualified enough to pick and choose among varied offers. You take the one that aligns with your ethics and principles. That works for SOME people. Saying an absolute like "nobody take a job on principle" is shortsighted.
What morals and ethics align with a job as an example ?
How would one know what that is until you begin working at a place ?
What morals and ethics align with a job as an example ?
How would one know what that is until you begin working at a place ?

You're smarter than that. Before you take a job, you research the company. Look at their website, talk to people who work there or have worked there. Look for associations they belong to. Call the associations and ask about their priorities. I know that most companies' websites will list their vision and mission along with principles they believe in. The company I used to work for does and I'm sure most large companies do. This isn't hard.
If they want NCAA football to maintain any sense of parity, they will eventually need a salary cap like the NFL. Without that, the system will be more like major league baseball where the rich can buy whoever they want.

They also need some type of system to rein in free agency a bit.

Unfortunately, I'm unsure how much the legal system will be willing to help.
If they want NCAA football to maintain any sense of parity, they will eventually need a salary cap like the NFL. Without that, the system will be more like major league baseball where the rich can buy whoever they want.

They also need some type of system to rein in free agency a bit.

Unfortunately, I'm unsure how much the legal system will be willing to help.
The legal system denied NCAA an antitrust exemption, so it's can't limit salaries or institute a salary cap and I doubt it is legally allowed to do much to rein in free agency.
Some people do. There are more important jobs in the job market than college athletics, and people take them on principle. No reason some don't do it in this case. That's why I made that comment.
Not in major college athletics, which is what Kenny stated in his post. And you could say pretty much going back to Jock Sutherland. Stop with the strawman arguments.

Heather wanted to hold towards certain principles that aren't congruent with running a power conference athletics program. That is just reality. There are plenty of jobs at the FCS level where she'd be a better fit these days.

As I've said before, UPJ is a great alternative if sports purity is what people are looking for.
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You're smarter than that. Before you take a job, you research the company. Look at their website, talk to people who work there or have worked there. Look for associations they belong to. Call the associations and ask about their priorities. I know that most companies' websites will list their vision and mission along with principles they believe in. The company I used to work for does and I'm sure most large companies do. This isn't hard.
So give me an example of the job and how it aligned with your morals and ethics ?

I work in healthcare so it’s easy . I’ve walked because of bosses being jerks .
Not because of ethics or morals
If they want NCAA football to maintain any sense of parity, they will eventually need a salary cap like the NFL. Without that, the system will be more like major league baseball where the rich can buy whoever they want.

They also need some type of system to rein in free agency a bit.

Unfortunately, I'm unsure how much the legal system will be willing to help.
Why haven’t they put a salary cap on coaches ?
Or facility spending for athletes ?
This is silly
Saw a video from the Arky collective saying they have 1000 members but Ole Miss has 5000 and they can just rely on the Tysons to take care of everything.
When talks of athletes being compensated began I was under the impression that the idea was that the NCAA was making so much money off the athletes that the source of funds to pay the athletes would come from the NCAA as an organization. I was very wrong.

Because you forgot the one overriding factor in college athletics. The schools that make up the NCAA are packed with greedy people who want to put every last penny possible into their pockets. And every penny they give to the athletes is a penny that isn't going in their pocket.