Nish, do have any thoughts that you can share about the softball program

Pitt MD

Gold Member
Feb 25, 2002
Given your connection to the program, what are your feelings about Coach Holly leaving and her replacement ? Did Heather have any conversations with you about what was transpiring after the season ?

Forever Hailing.
Pitt MD, I hope this comes off right. I don't donate to gain a position of importance with the athletic department. I do it to help our student athletes. I've said on here before that I chose Olympic Sports teams because it doesn't take much for a donation to be impactful. Who the AD is doesn't matter but, having said that, Heather Lyke is the best I've seen.

I began with Softball when the team was first formed. I got to meet Coach Aprile when she was named manager and have had many breakfasts at Pamela's with her over the years. I have mixed emotions about her leaving. Sad because I've lost a friend but happy for her because she's earned the right to advance her career. Pitt Softball will be fine and I'll continue to help where I can.
Oklahoma 280k
Arizona - 345k
Kentucky 210k
Donna Papa (UNC) - $101,500
Shawn Rychik (NC State) - $101,500
Joanna Hardin (UVA) - $91,000
Shelly Hoerner (GT) - $106,176
Lonni Alameda (FSU) - $205,000
Sandy Pearsall (Louisville) - $132,635
Courtney Scott Deifel (Arkansas) - $206,000
Mickey Dean (JMU) - $90,000 - $120,000
(from 2016 unofficial)