Northwestern may find out today if their getting a new stadium.

with that it will still be half empty. Sounds
like they are punishing visitors who travel to watch their team win with a visit to the Windy City
They better hope it gets approved. If some real seismic events happen in regards to realignment and the Big Ten, that type of commitment, coupled with their research dollars and market, might be a saving grace for them. If it doesn’t pass, they likely won’t get another opportunity like this again, especially if they end up on the outside looking in.
They better hope it gets approved. If some real seismic events happen in regards to realignment and the Big Ten, that type of commitment, coupled with their research dollars and market, might be a saving grace for them. If it doesn’t pass, they likely won’t get another opportunity like this again, especially if they end up on the outside looking in.
Sounds like something a similar school in a somewhat (actually worse) situation should be considering as well. Of course, it is not doing that. Quite the opposite.
They better hope it gets approved. If some real seismic events happen in regards to realignment and the Big Ten, that type of commitment, coupled with their research dollars and market, might be a saving grace for them. If it doesn’t pass, they likely won’t get another opportunity like this again, especially if they end up on the outside looking in.
Unless that realignment includes 50 teams, then that's $800 million down the drain. But hey, if a billionaire is willing to drop that much to get his name on another NW building, then I guess go for it.
Unless that realignment includes 50 teams, then that's $800 million down the drain. But hey, if a billionaire is willing to drop that much to get his name on another NW building, then I guess go for it.
It's definitely the latter. The Ryan family (who the stadium is named after) donated $480M that's partially earmarked for a new stadium, which I believe is on the existing site. If this doesn't get approved, I really don't know what they're going to do because I'd imagine this wouldn't be any likelier to get approved if they built elsewhere in the neighborhood and had to raze buildings.
They better hope it gets approved. If some real seismic events happen in regards to realignment and the Big Ten, that type of commitment, coupled with their research dollars and market, might be a saving grace for them. If it doesn’t pass, they likely won’t get another opportunity like this again, especially if they end up on the outside looking in.

I think this is why there are spending so much. They can threaten a huge lawsuit if the larger revenue teams try to cut them out.
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