O.T. -- Another Vandy football player sentenced in 2013 rape case...(link)

So sad that a sport can suck common sense and decency from a fan base. And coming from a religious school on top of it. Disgraceful.

I get what you're saying. However the religious angle is lost on me. Too many horrific things in the history of mankind have been done in the name of some religion. And they still are. And probably always will be.
I get what you're saying. However the religious angle is lost on me. Too many horrific things in the history of mankind have been done in the name of some religion. And they still are. And probably always will be.
Not disagreeing, just pointing out the absurdity of the situation.
So sad that a sport can suck common sense and decency from a fan base. And coming from a religious school on top of it. Disgraceful.
Not wanting to make the thread political, but there are millions of Americans who will vote for a man who was caught on film bragging how he sexually assaulted women.

Welcome to The United States of America - Version 2016. :(
I don't really care about the ethics of other programs. I used to until I saw how nobody cared about the Sandusky thing, especially the kids in the recruiting classes they brought in. If other programs ethics makes you forget about PITT's football shortcomings then good for you.
I don't really care about the ethics of other programs. I used to until I saw how nobody cared about the Sandusky thing, especially the kids in the recruiting classes they brought in. If other programs ethics makes you forget about PITT's football shortcomings then good for you.
Tying Pitt's "shortcomings" into this thread is a bit of a reach.
Tying Pitt's "shortcomings" into this thread is a bit of a reach.
Perhaps, but every time PITT loses big we hear about other programs ethics. By the way ate at Cocothe last night, the new digs are nice but the tasting menu is a bit pricey.
Perhaps, but every time PITT loses big we hear about other programs ethics. By the way ate at Cocothe last night, the new digs are nice but the tasting menu is a bit pricey.
Sounds like a new menu along with the expansion. We need to check it out. Is it still BYOB?
Sounds like a new menu along with the expansion. We need to check it out. Is it still BYOB?
We did bring our own, but they do have what seems to be an extensive wine list. You can also eat small plates at the bar.