At some point in the past you could look at this board’s statistics and see who all was logged in and when the last recorded high number of participants were on the board. I haven’t seen that in a long time but maybe it is hidden from me.
However those high figures always came after some calamitous loss and there would be so many threads that any thread that was highly discussed the day before was now buried on the second or third page.
After an almost thirty point, highly embarrassing loss I stopped to look at the board last night and realized that there were only a handful of posts and not much doom and despair publicized.
This felt to me like the absolute depth of death for this team and there is probably not much chance of recovery for the greater fan base until the Panther move into a semi final ACC tournament game or something like that.
Incredibly sad time to be a Pitt hoops fan. This is worse than Stallings because when he crapped the bed our anger stemmed from just recently having been in the tourney. But at this point, this level of bad is not reflected against any kind of recent success to feel longing for.
However those high figures always came after some calamitous loss and there would be so many threads that any thread that was highly discussed the day before was now buried on the second or third page.
After an almost thirty point, highly embarrassing loss I stopped to look at the board last night and realized that there were only a handful of posts and not much doom and despair publicized.
This felt to me like the absolute depth of death for this team and there is probably not much chance of recovery for the greater fan base until the Panther move into a semi final ACC tournament game or something like that.
Incredibly sad time to be a Pitt hoops fan. This is worse than Stallings because when he crapped the bed our anger stemmed from just recently having been in the tourney. But at this point, this level of bad is not reflected against any kind of recent success to feel longing for.